Chapter 44

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I look up from the paper I was doodling on to find Ford about ready to head to bed.


He scratches the back of his neck while looking at me nervously, "Look, it's been two weeks since I found you in the blizzard and I'm curious to know why I haven't made contact with your parents yet?"

My eyes widen but they soon relax a split second after; worrying gets people nowhere so lying has been getting easier for me to do. I'm not sure if I should be proud of that or not.

"Truth is, Ford, my parents abandoned me that night of the blizzard. I figured that if I had told you that you would've gotten rid of me and tried to find somewhere else for me to live. If I continued to tell you how to contact them then you would've let me stay with you until they were able to get me. I just don't want to leave." I try to sound as disappointed as possible while also sounding regretful for lying to him. I think I could pass for an actress at this rate.

'In your dreams, kid.'

Oh, shut up, Bill!

Ford stares at me a little taken back from my answer. I don't think he knows how to even respond. I sit there patiently as I wait for a response from him.

"Y/n, if you think that I'm going to give you away now that I have this information you're wrong. You can stay here as long as you need to, I don't mind the company and I trust you enough."

I smile brightly as to be glad that he would let me stay, "Thank you, Ford. I swear you won't regret your decision!"

He smiles warmly before bidding me a goodnight and exiting the kitchen. I stretch in my chair and turn back to see that the paper I had been drawing on was a picture of Bill's wheel. Well, at least he doesn't look like a Dorito. I head to the basement knowing that Banford will meet me there soon. As I get down, I lay my blanket on the ground next to his desk and pass out like I normally would do to get some sleep. Sometimes he would shake my shoulder for me to awake so he could get me talking about the future again and what the two of us had done. It was awkward at first but eventually I got use to telling him and it has become a habit. I've also been practicing my new abilities every night as he would laugh whenever I messed up. Banford helped me with some of my abilities while others he just wanted to watch me fail.

Two weeks...I've already been here for two weeks.


"It's done!" I hear someone shout but not very enthusiastically.

I groan while opening my eyes to see Banford holding the time machine. The time machine- oh my gosh he finished it! I can get back to my time! I spring off of the ground and go to his side. He doesn't turn to face me but I can see his knuckles whitening around the device. He then released one of his hands and aimed the device in my direction with his other hand. Still, I'm not able to see any expression from him.

"It'll only work once, one way there. I already set the date and you'll be arriving exactly one hour from when you were sent away." Banford explains to me. It sounds like pain in his voice, that's a new one.


"You need to go now, you're wasting your time." he said, quickly interrupting me.

I shuffle my feet as I look at the ground. He probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore, he's probably glad it's fixed now. I can understand that, he's not my Bill and he hasn't gained emotions like him. It'll be a weight lifted off of both of our shoulders; I get back to my time to defeat Kaden and he won't have to worry about watching me anymore. I take the tape measure out of his hand and start to walk out of the room. I stop in front of the elevator before saying, "Thank you, Bill, for helping me these past two weeks. I know that I've probably been nothing but trouble but I'm glad that you still dealt with me."

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