Chapter 33

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(^^^My cutie <3)


He's gone. Bills gone. He chose the vial. He'll come back though, he promised me. He'll come back...won't he? Of course he will! He loves me and promised to come back so he can protect me. I believe him, I trust him with my life. I-I love him, I don't want to lose him.

They know. The Pines family knows. Bill's alive and they're scared. Ford plans on killing him. He's planning on killing the one I love but will he succeed and kill him or will he fail and the demon ends up killing him instead? I'm terrified at this point, not sure what's going to happen. Better yet, whose side I want to be on.

Family vs. Lover

Tough decision, really. I want them both, I want them both to stop the fight between each other and be in peace...but Ford started the war when he wouldn't let me anywhere near Bill. I could see the killer look in his eye, I could see that he wanted to end Ford's life right there. I had to bring Bill back though and once I did I could tell that he immediately came back after hearing my voice. I don't think it will be so easy once he's back to full power. Neither side wants me to get hurt, neither side wants to lose me, but right now they're going after the wrong enemy. If only I knew who was really after me.

The gift shop right now is crowded with the Pines family plus Soos, all asking the same question: Why is Bill human and how long has he been back? They all seem terrified and trying to figure out how they are going to deal with the situation. Ford told them everything I told him, that made Dipper's eyes grow wide.

"You've known all along?" Dipper asks in a shaky voice. He probably just realized why I asked him in the cemetery how he could tell if someone was going behind their backs. I feel horrible, I never wanted to cause them pain.

Ford places a hand on both of our shoulders, "She had no choice but to keep it hidden from us. It was the deal she made with Bill; he could've hurt her if she spoke a word about him to us. It's alright now, though, Bill will stay away from her now for the time being so we can plan our next move. We'll keep him far away from you, don't worry; Bill will never bother you again."

I know he is trying to comfort me...but deep down I'm crying rivers. Bill was never lying to me about his love, he cares about me. It was never a trick, never! I want to know he's okay, I want to know he's coming back for me.

"He tricked us into thinking we were friends." I hear Mabel mumble.

"We were all tricked," Stan growls, "but now it's time for us to make our move. Bill has messed with this town enough."

Ford nods, "That's why it's time we make sure that he can never come back; we need to finish Bill Cipher before it's too late."

I can't take it anymore! If they want to try and kill Bill, fine, but I won't be joining them. I run out of the gift shop and slam the door shut to my room. I jump onto my bed and start crying to myself with my head in my legs. Oh man, what's going to happen now?

Narrator's POV

Bill finally made it to The Society of the Blind Eye headquarters. He sat down on the ground and breathed hard, he was so close to freedom from the pain he was engulfed in yet so far away. He crawled his way over to the screen where the vial would be inserted and the memories would appear. What would happen once he got his full power back? Would he lose all the emotions he had gained and no longer care for his Star?

'No, I won't let that happen. I love my Star too much.' Bill thought to himself, convincing himself that nothing would change the way he felt for Y/n. Deep down though, he knew he was still scared. Would his hatred towards the Pines and the town be more powerful than the love he felt for the girl?

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