Chapter 41

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I open my eyes to find a blanket on me. Okay, I know that I did not dream about Kaden coming to destroy our world and then being sent back in time by Bill...right?

"Oh good, you're awake." I hear someone say...yet it sounds oddly familiar.

I rub my head groggily as I groan; I start to shiver, still a little cold from earlier. A blizzard. A silhouette of a figure. I remember that. So, who was the person who seems to have taken me inside their house or whatever? I look up as I gasp, Ford...but not Ford. This Ford seems to be younger with brown hair and the same glasses with a beige trench coat. A smile creeps onto my lips as I see him, crouched next to me.

"Child, mind explaining why you were out in that blizzard?"

So, I have finally registered that this is a past Ford. Thank you, Bill, for sending me back in time with him being here. Maybe he can help me. He can't know though that I came from the future! I might mess up the timeline or something. Can't risk that but I have to say something. I am speechless, however, as I'm considering the fact that he may not be able to help me and all my friends might be dead because of the purple monster dressed in a suit. I shake these thoughts off; focus, Y/n, we need to deal with one problem at a time. Right now, that's explaining to a younger Ford why I was outside freezing to death in a blizzard.

"I-I got lost on my way h-home and got c-caught in the b-blizzard..." I stutter because of how freezing I am.

I pull on my blanket tighter as I feel Ford's hand be placed upon my shoulder. I almost want to cry about how much I miss my Ford from the future, the one who had been through everything with me and never saw me as a freak with my strange dreams. This Ford doesn't know that though, eventually he's going to be tricked by Bill and accidentally go through the portal that's downstairs in the basement.

"My name's Stanford Pines, what's yours?"


"Well, Y/n, it will be awhile before the blizzard settles down. You are allowed to stay here if you'd like until it ends."

"Th-Thank you, F-Ford." I answer, giving him a smile.

"My, you're freezing. Here, I'll go warm up some hot chocolate if you'd like. Is that alright with you?" I nod my head while a shiver went down my spine. Ford left the living room only to return moments later with the hot chocolate and steam coming off it. I blew on the steam before taking a small sip; the warm liquid traveling down my throat bringing me comfort. I hum in satisfaction before thanking the man sitting across from me on a chair he brought from the kitchen. Of course, he started asking me questions which is a normal thing to expect from him so I didn't mind answering. I just have cautiously avoided anything that has to do with the future.

Eventually, Ford had ended his list of questions and had bid me goodnight leaving me to my position now which is laying sideways on the yellow chair while staring at the ceiling. My eyes begin to flutter shut as I continue thinking about Weirdmageddon and Kaden Psyche. My mind wanders to the twins, Wendy, Stan, and Ford. Then many thoughts about Bill. I had just learned the truth about why he lied to me which was a good reason and I finally had him back in my arms. Only little did I know I was going to be slipped away from his grasp once again so he could protect me from the purple demon.

I soon feel a shudder run down my spine as it feels like I'm being watched. I slowly peeked open my left eye only for both of my eyes to be widened as I scream. Ford's face was right in front of mine only with a slight difference; his eyes weren't his, they look almost like...Bill's.

"Hello~ Sorry to disturb your sleep, kid." Oh yeah, definitely Bill. I'd recognize that demonic voice anywhere.

Wait, if Bill's here...he can fix my time machine!

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