Chapter 30

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"Y/n!!" the entire Pines family yells, including Wendy. I am greeted by tight hugs and I'm almost squeezed to death.

"Is everything alright, are you hurt?" Ford asks checking my arms and face for any wounds possible. I shake my head and hug him tightly which he returns faster than any hug before. "I'm fine." I whisper as he squeezes me more.

"We were so worried!" Mabel screams at the top of her lungs.

"We even called Wendy thinking she might know where you had gone." Dipper explains to me.

I nod my head and turn my attention to Wendy, "So, is it true my dad wishes I wasn't his daughter?" She looks stunned and all of the Pines grow silent. Well, I'm going to be questioned about this. "H-How did you-"

"I had a nightmare last night which showed my dad saying that he asked for a daughter, not a freak."

She came over and gave me a hug, "Oh, dude, I'm so sorry you had to see that I tried to reason with him but he just kept yelling at me. He's just been acting differently since you left and your mom hasn't come out of her room; she'll let me in time-to-time telling me how horrible of a mother she is and that she just wants her baby girl back. I don't know what your dad is thinking but your mom seems really sorry."

I gave a weak smile, "Thanks for telling me."

Ford had his teeth gritted and his fists clenched. Hatred was shown through his eyes and the only other time I've seen him like this is when my father had come to the shack to find me. "If I ever see that no good father of yours again, I swear I will-"

"It's alright, Ford. Forget about him, I did; I've moved on and now I'm with my Wendy."

He relaxes and just chuckles, "You're right, he's just a waste of time and breath when I could be doing more important things that actually matter in this world." We all laugh with Ford placing a hand on my shoulder. This was great, just me and my family; this is all I ever wanted. I have a family, I have a lover, and I have amazing friends. Who knew I could find so much in less than a summer break?

Once the laughter dies down, Mabel starts to pull on my shirt, "Awkward family hug?"

I put my finger to my chin before nodding excitedly, "Awkward family hug!" We all went into a hug, including Wendy, and we all pat each other's backs while saying "Pat Pat". I couldn't help but laugh. "I love this family." I state.

"We love you too, kiddo." Stan says before messing up my hair not that it would change since my hair was already a mess. "Just one rule for now on, don't run away from here. Seriously, just talk to us, this problem would've been much quicker to solve if you had stayed." I nod my head as I hug Stan now. Just to make it fair, I bent down and gave Dipper and Mabel a hug, "Don't worry about me guys, I'm going to be okay." I whisper in their ears. We all walk into the kitchen to eat some breakfast once we all got settled with our food, Ford looks at me as though he wants to ask me something but he doesn't know if he should. I've seen this before and if he wants to ask me something he can. "What is it, Ford?"

He blinks rapidly as if escaping from his thoughts then shakes his head vigorously, "Nothing, I was just thinking-"

"Spill it, old man, something's on your mind so just tell me."

He sighs and places his coffee down, "I was just thinking about what else you could've seen in your nightmare last night." I smile and take a bite of my food, "Well, then I'll tell you. Basically it showed me more of my past memories about me mentioning the wheel or people thinking I was weird. At the end, though, some guy showed up but it wasn't an isosceles monster, it was a man. He told me 'Stars die out eventually' before trying to kill me with his cane. That's when I woke up."

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