Chapter 17

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"Phone, check. Charger, check. Pjs, check. Clothes, check. Pillow, check. Toothpaste and toothbrush, check. Medicine...soon-to-be check." I say to myself. I put everything in my backpack before exiting my room.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" I hear my dad ask me before I am able to reach the front door.

"Oh, hey dad! Just heading out to hang with some friends for a sleepover."

"Who exactly are these friends of yours?"

"It's just the Pines Family, dad. Mabel had asked if I could sleepover and I saw nothing wrong with that."

"Hmm...okay, that's fine. Just, don't talk about anything strange to them, okay? You don't want to lose these friends like you did with your past ones, would you?" I sigh knowing exactly what he's talking about but he doesn't know that they are actually helping me with the wheel. They may be the only friends I got... but they are also the only family I got it seems as well. Besides Wendy of course. "No, I don't and I won't talk about it."

"Okay, sweetie. Have fun, I love you." He says before sticking his head back into his newspaper. "Love you too, dad." I say before exiting the house.

I walk into town and I head over to the pharmacy store. I look through all the medicines before choosing the right one. Which one would help a dream demon's fever? I grab one and read the information on it:
Tablets, 200 mg
Pain Reliever/ Fever Reducer (NSAID)
I turn it around to read that Bill should take one tablet every 4 to 6 hours. Sounds like the best one for him...hopefully. I go over to the cash register and pay $4.00 plus tax for it. I take the plastic bag containing the newly bought medicine and start to head for the door. I'm about to head out before someone catches my eye.

A boy with a leather brown coat on and a hat that looks exactly like Thomas Shelby's hat from the BBC show Peaky Blinders. I can't see his face but I'm able to identify his clothes. His jeans are navy blue and ripped up with a loose belt wrapped around but his jeans stay up. He wears combat boots and a cuff around his right wrist with daggers on it. His shirt was forest green and I could see an outline of a six pack.

What made me more curious about this boy was what he was stuffing in his jacket and no one was noticing it except me. He was stuffing chocolate and candy into the brown leather and once he finished he casually walked out passing me. This store didn't have any detectors to tell if an item has been purchased or not and it seems they don't have security cameras either and if they do they aren't paying a lot of attention towards them.

I walk out and catch him walk into an alley before he disappears from plain sight. I run after him and notice him take out one of the pieces of candy. "Hey you!" I scream at him. He turns around and looks shocked for a second before a grin is plastered on his face. "Hello sweetheart~ Can I help you with something?" I was now able to see his face; his eyes were a dark sea green color and he had tan skin. He had bangs that hung on his left side which covered his left eye a little; his hair was pitch black with highlights of green. He looked about 17 or 18 years of age, not much older than me.

"Don't act dumb with me, I saw you steal that candy."

He laughs at me and comes closer, "My family runs the business and I get to take things for free and they don't care."

I raised my eyebrow at him not believing his story; he saw my expression and scowled, "Ugh, why can't you be as dumb as the rest of this town."

"Is that suppose to be a compliment?" I scoff at him.

He laughs and by now he is just a couple inches away from me, "Take it how you wish, sweetheart. Truth is, I'm poor. I don't have money and it's been hard for me to find a job. I've been trying to find one but no one wants me. Stealing just seemed like the next best thing for me."

I cross my arms and look at him, I honestly couldn't tell if he was lying or not. "Don't you have any family? Where are they?" He seems to have stiffened since I said that and his cocky smile disappears. The mysterious boy looks at the ground and it almost seems like his eyes are starting to water.

"I-I lost them; it was a couple months ago when it happened. There was a fire at my house...I didn't now how it started. My parents tried to get my little sister and I out but they were all too late. I was the only survivor and the firemen weren't able to save anything of value. They gave me some money but it wasn't enough. They tried to put me in some foster program but I refused, I ran away and started living in the woods."

He looks at me and I can see tears forming in his eyes, my own tears were forming by the second. He places the candy back into his jacket and lifts his hands behind his head, "If you're going to call the cops on me, can you make it quick?" He says trying to keep himself from crying. I knew what that looked like because I always kept myself from crying every time my father yelled at me for mentioning the wheel. At least I had a family, he was on his own.

I walk up to him and bring his arms down but he doesn't let go of my hands after they've been brought down. He just looks at them and doesn't make any eye contact with me. "Well, I could be dumb like the rest of this town and believe you get things for free. I could walk out of this alley not saying a word; but if I do see you do this again I won't just walk away."

He looks up and smiles at me, "Huh, well I guess I'll have to go to the pharmacy store when I know you're not around." He winks at me and wins a laugh that escapes my mouth. I start to exit the gloomy alley before he stopped me, "What's your name, darling?"

"Y/n. What about you, mystery boy?"

"Markus, it was a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. I really do hope we cross paths again in the future."

I feel my cheeks heat up a little as I exit the alley. I place the medicine in my backpack and continue my walk to the Mystery Shack. Markus...I've never seen him around town before. He didn't seem that bad; just a kid with no family and no money...I turn around to see him by a lamppost now taking a bite of what looks to be like a 3 Musketeers. I walk over to him quickly and say, "If you still wanted a job, I could always put in a good word for you at the Mystery Shack."

He took one bite of his candy, "The Mystery Shack, huh? I don't think I've heard of the place. Does it pay good?"

"Yeah, it pays good. My cousin gets payed for sitting on her butt all day reading magazines."

Markus nods his head considering the offer, "Hmm, doesn't sound too bad. I'll think about it."

I walk away with a smile across my face; I wanted to help him and this was one way of me helping. Now I have to try and help Bill and hope that he isn't dead by now...or any of the Pines. Him being unstable may not be a great thing at the moment with him being stuck in a shack with the people he hated most.

Narrator's POV

Markus walks across the street while finishing his candy bar. He glances back at the girl he just met and couldn't help but smile. "Oh Y/n, what will you have in store for me?" he asks himself as he continues to walk in the opposite direction towards the woods that he refers to as home.

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