Chapter 22

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Ford's POV

Y/n has spent three days here and she already seems settled in. Dipper and Mabel have spent a lot of time with her and I've been trying my best to help her with the whole transition. Her father has become a permanent enemy of mine for what he did to her. First he has the nerve to not believe in his own daughter and now he thinks it's okay to slap her?! This has gone too far.

I'm going to try my best to be some type of fatherly-image to her so she still has some type of father. I already see her like a daughter with her curiosity and adventurous mind. I want to share everything I know with her and more. I want her to know that unlike her father she can come to me when she needs help. I'm going to try my best to help her...but maybe my best isn't enough. What if I can't help her? What if I can't save her from Bill? I almost lost my own brother to him, what if I lose her too?

I gave up my bedroom so she could have her own room, I just moved myself to the basement. Wendy has been bringing her stuff here little by little. She seems to be getting use to the fact that this will be her home for the summer. She doesn't seem to mind; in fact she seems as though she's been a Pines her whole life trying to forget that she has a real family. The only person she still considers family from her own bloodline would be Wendy. It's going to be horrible when the summer ends...unless there is a way to make her stay in Gravity Falls.

I mean, if I can keep her hidden, she can stay with us! Of course Mabel and Dipper would have to leave, but Stanley and I would be here. Well, not for long..we would be going on our adventures soon and I'm sure Y/n would have to stay for school. Wait, I could teach her myself! I am capable of teaching her; that way she can come with us on our travels and not be left to a family who considers her a freak!

Of course it's all up to her; her life, her decision.

I hear footsteps rush into the kitchen as I see Y/n wearing a (f/band) t-shirt with her black leather jacket and shorts. The band on her shirt is...unrecognizable. I'm sure I'll know it by the end of the summer with her staying and all.

"Morning Ford!"

"Good morning, how did you sleep?"

"I slept great-"

"No nightmares?"

"Not even a dream. You know I would tell you if I had one, right?" I nodded as I continue to read my newspaper. Y/n placed a mug of coffee in front of me as she bit into an apple, "So today's plan is that we go to the diner for lunch and then Stan wants to take us fishing."

"Sounds good to me; what do you plan on doing till then?" I ask her.

She brings a hand to her chin as she starts to think, "Dunno, you got any plans?" I think about it as I take a sip from the mug, "Have you ever played Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons?" She shook her head, "Well, it's a game that Dipper and I like to play together. Once, we even brought the characters from the game to life by accident. That was a mess." I laugh as she turns wide eyed.

"It's a fun game, really. It involves a lot of math though and I'm not sure your into tha-"

"Are you kidding?! I have the highest grade for math in the entire high school! Some people would say I'm a bit of a nerd." she says sounding proud of herself.

"Well then, after I'm finished with my coffee I'll set the game up for us to play. You can ask Dipper if he'd be interested if you like."

"Sure!" She runs off with an apple in her mouth as she tries to find Dipper. I continue to sip my coffee, this will definitely be fun. I get to share one of my favorite games with her...and she even loves math! Three nerds playing D, D, and More D; what more fun could you have there?

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