Chapter 43

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Night comes upon us once more as I cuddle into my blanket. Still, a dreamless night just as the deal I made with Bill said would happen so long ago. I almost miss not seeing anything at night in my sleep but at the same time I've gotten use to it. I start to feel a chill run down my spine, someone's watching me?

I open my eyes to see Banford but instead of glowing gold eyes, they are crimson red. I feel a lump in my throat as I try to swallow my nervousness. Why is he upset? No, that's an understatement. He seems furious. Was it something I did?

"Of course it is!" He shouts at me while fear takes over me.

"I-I don't understand. What did I do?"

"A snowball fight? Really?! You put Sixer and Glasses a day behind schedule and I don't care if it'll work or not; you changed the past by making them behind."

I blink a few times, "I don't think putting them behind one day is going to make a huge difference."

His eyes narrowed at me as he started to stalk closer to me, "Oh really? Since when did you know everything? Please, do tell. How do you know nothing will change with Stanford? What if Fiddleford becomes the one that gets stuck in the portal?"

"D-Don't you think you're over exaggerating? It's just one day behind, can't you just make it up over night?" I'm starting to get surprised by his sudden outburst; I always knew that it was simple to aggravate Bill and mess with his temper but this is...different.

"Over exaggerating? Well you know what?! I don't need to help a brat like you who seems to come into people's lives and mess them up! If it weren't for you, I would never have experienced dumb human emotions. If it weren't for you, Ford would've been able to have stopped Kaden from messing with your pathetic planet. You're just a mess up!"

Bill had never said that to me, he had never thought of me as a mess up. Even when my dad slapped me and I considered myself a freak, he kept telling me that nothing was wrong with me.

...was he lying?

I can't help but consider that maybe Banford is right. Maybe I am the reason that everything is going south. Bill was never meant to feel, he is a demon after all. Without me in the way, Ford could've planned for both Kaden's and Markus' arrival. I stumble out of the chair and run pass Banford where I am once again welcomed by the cold in the dark night. I run through the piles of snow through the woods as I try to get away. Maybe if I just disappeared, no one would have to worry about me ruining their lives.

I run until my body starts to freeze from the cold. I'm a total idiot running into the snow like that but I can't stay with him especially when he is outraged like he was. He could hurt me just like my dad did when he got furious with me for just mentioning the wheel again.

My body collapses as I can literally no longer feel my legs. I curl up in a ball as I exhale while my face is placed upon the white surface. Disappearing sounds good. I thought about it when my dad slapped me and still Bill had come to bring me somewhere safe, he didn't want me to go. Was that the first time he showed me that he cared or had he still been recovering from when he was sick and acting so strange? Now, no one is here to stop me. No, I'm not think about killing myself; just disappearing so no one can come find me and I don't have to hurt anyone else's future.

If only I could get up from this snow though. It seems my body wants to shut down. I close my eyes tight as a strong wind blows on my face.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper. I'm sorry that I messed Bill's future up. That I had to get in the way and give him emotions. I never intended on doing that; in fact, I hated him at first. He's the one who came into my life when I was five.

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