Chapter 26

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A/N: Whoops, made you guys wait a little more than I planned. Oh well, here's part 2 of your date! Also hope you guys had a great Halloween!!


"Did you really have to blindfold me?"

"Yes, now stop complaining. We're almost there."

I don't like the fact he has to blindfold me but I am really anxious to see what his surprise for me is. It's hard to think what Bill might have planned for me, he is a tricky guy to figure out. He could be taking me to see a horror movie so he can get a kick out of everybody's screams, maybe he's taking me to the arcade to play some games and beat me on every single one. It's possible that he may be taking me to a part of the woods I haven't seen since I love exploring. Of course, I have no idea if I'm anywhere close with my guesses. I start to feel his breathe on my ear, which tickles, as he begins to whisper, "You're thinking too much, just relax and trust me. You do trust me, don't you?"

"No, I don't trust you; that's exactly why I let you take me on a date and let you blindfold me." I say sarcastically.

He starts laughing, "I'm serious, don't you trust me?"

I think about it which I can imagine Bill either glaring at me or with a frown on his face, "Yeah, I trust you." He hugs me for a while before releasing to continue dragging me.

"It's also funny how you think you let me put the blindfold on you. That piece of cloth was going over your eyes whether you liked it or not."

I start to laugh a bit before we continue the long walk in silence. He finally stops me somewhere where I could feel a gentle breeze cross my face. "You ready?" Bill asks me. I nod my head before he uncovers my eyes; what I see before me has left me in awe. From what I could tell, we were on a hill that shows all of Gravity Falls. I can see the Mystery Shack and Wendy's cabin with so many other places; I never noticed how large the woods was until now. It seems to go on for miles and miles with no end. I look up and I can see the stars, it almost looks like the starry night I had in my dream when Bill had a fever. It was beautiful.

" you like it?" Bill asks me while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Bill Cipher, I love it! This is incredible, I didn't even know this hill existed."

"Well it's more like a cliff," he says while walking over to the edge and signaling me to sit next to him, "I thought this would be the perfect place to bring you."

I sit next to him with my feet dangling off; he puts his arm around my waist as we both look up at the starry night. I imagined so many other things where he would take me tonight...but nothing like this. This is incredible, I don't want this night to end. I'm with Bill who can be dangerous one moment but a lovable dork the next underneath the Galaxy. How I wish I could touch the stardust again like I did in my dream. I look over at Bill and I can't help but smile; I lay my head on his shoulder as he pulls me closer never looking down at me. We stay like this for a long time, just a peaceful night. Well, I thought.

Bill starts to grunt and I back away while he clenches his stomach in pain. "Are you okay?" I ask him which it was obvious to hear fear escape my lips. He looks at me worried still clenching his stomach, "O-Of course, it's just a little pain and pain is...funny?"

It sounded more like a question than a statement, then it hit me, "Bill, are you going to faint like last time with the symbols appearing on your body?"

His eye widens and he seems to be more frightened. He shakes his head fast, "No, it won't. I won't let it happen; I want this to go perfectly and that's exactly what I plan to do." He grabs my hand and pulls me back to him; I'm scared that I'm going to hurt him but he forcefully puts my head back on his shoulder and starts to stroke my hair. I didn't realize till now how tense I am, I relax myself and move myself closer to Bill.

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