Author's Note

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There you have it, folks. Monsters and Demons has finally come to an end. Wow, did I just say that? 48 chapters and we finally reached the end.

I don't know what to say; I knew from the start of the book I'd have to end it eventually but I didn't want to. After Gravity Falls ended...I tried my best to not let it die out in my heart. One way was reading fanfictions. This story kind of felt as though I was continuing the show myself.

Thank you guys so much for sticking around. Thank you for all the votes, all the comments in which I enjoyed reading, and for all you, Readers, for sticking with this book. After my long hiatus I was afraid if anyone would come back but you guys proved me wrong.

It's going to be hard saying goodbye, I don't want to say goodbye just yet. So, could you guys do me one last favor? I have one last code that I need deciphered and if you decipher it, please comment it so everyone can see.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say. I'm bad at ending things and I know you guys may have expected things to turn out differently but this is how I wanted to end it.

arieldisneyfreak, signing off.

Vrph Uhdghuv jdyh wkh lghd ri d vhtxho zklfk zdv pljkwb ilqh.

Doo L kdyh wr vdb lv: Judylwb Idoov lv uhdo dqg lw zloo qhyhu glh.

(Dqg bhv, L'p zhoo dzduh wklv kdugob ukbphv

Exw L olnhg lw dqg L zdv uxqqlqj rxw ri wlph)


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