Chapter 11

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Wendy's POV

I wake up and I check my phone to see that it's 11:32 a.m. Great, I got to sleep in somewhat. I check to see if I had any texts from Y/n since she stayed late at the Mystery Shack. None. I better go check to see if she's in her room. I turn the knob on her door, locked. I start knocking rapidly, "Y/n, dude, you awake?"


I can't believe I am asleep and I have no nightmares whatsoever! Nothing can possibly wake me up from my sleep now; I could sleep all day and catch up on all the sleep I ever missed in the past. Better yet, why not I just stay asleep the whole week! Sounds like a plan to me..*knock knock* "Y/n, dude, you awake?" Oh great, it's Wendy. Well, there goes sleeping for a week.

I open my eyes slowly and start to yawn, "Yeah, sure. I'm awake."

"Dude, let me in. I need to talk to you." Wendy says.

"Okay, let me ju-" that's when I notice Bill is still sleeping on the floor. I jump out of bed and try to shake him awake. Nothing. I look at him thinking of what I should do with him so Wendy doesn't see him. He has one arm covering his eyes and the other laid across his chest. His hair is a mess and he is breathing deeply. 'Well, he's not dead.' I thought.

I look over at my bed and see that there is enough room to stuff a human being underneath it. I lift my foot and kick Bill, shoving him to hit his head on the wooden ground. "Hey! Kid, what was tha-" he starts but I cover his mouth and hold it there while I hear Wendy speak again, "You okay in there?"

"I'm fine Wendy, just give me a minute. I need to, uh- clean my room up."

Bill's eyes have widened from hearing Wendy's voice and I point at him then under the bed to motion him under. He nods his head and I remove my hand from his mouth. He crawls under and I whisper, "Remember, you better leave before I get back from breakfast or so help me you will become a one-eyed demon once again." He snickered at my comment and gave me a goofy looking grin. I rolled my eyes and went to open the door.

"Hey, Red. What's going on?" I say as calmly and as normal as I possibly could.

"Nothing really, just woke up. Were you talking to someone in there?"

Oh no, she's onto me. I have to think of something fast, "Uh- yes, I was. I was talking to one of my friends from home; she just wanted to know how my summer was going so far."

Wendy shrugged and said, "Okay, sounds legit to me. So anyways, Mr. Pines and Ford had like an hour argument and they came to a conclusion that Ford will let you have the day off to enjoy a day of summer!"

"Really? That's awesome! This is probably the first and last break I'll have but whatever."

"So I was thinking, the guys and I were planning on going to the Arcade for a bit and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us. I already asked the twins."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. After breakfast though, I have to have the most important meal of the day or you won't see me as a happy camper."

"I know what you mean, I cannot survive a day without some food..or my phone..or my magazine." We both laugh for a bit and head downstairs to eat. I decide to eat two pieces of toast since I wasn't really that hungry and too lazy to actually make anything else. Once I finish my toast and some juice, I head back to my bedroom. I look around the whole bedroom and under the bed and there was no sign of Bill Cipher.


I start to change into a (f/c) blouse and a pair of ripped up jeans. I brush out my hair and decide to put a (f/c) headband on. I start to walk out the room until I notice something left on my bed. It was a black leather jacket and I look at it curiously. It wasn't Bill's jacket that I wore last night so whose was it?

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