Chapter 31

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A/N: HELLO READERS!! I'm back once again! So, this was probably my favorite chapter writing so far so I'm asking: please do NOT comment any immature or dirty minded thoughts. That's all I'm asking so please respect my wishes. Other then that, enjoy the story!

(Btw, if you just so happen to have a crush on Dipper, go check out my friend's new story Kittycat2150 Not Needed Northwest. It's really amazing and she has so much planned for it!)


"You're not really mad at me, are you?" Bill asks me placing his head on my shoulder while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You beat me on every single game at the arcade! You wouldn't even let me at least win one! Of course I'm mad." I answered which made him frown.

It's only been two days since our first date and he already decided to take me out so we could spend some time together. We got pizza and Bill got the idea to go to the arcade when I was making theories of where he could've been taking me on our first date. He seriously beat me on every single one and we played every game in that building! He showed me no mercy, he could have at least let me win one game. Just one!! I don't care which one it would've been, I just wanted to feel victorious.

We are now at the lake which is completely empty for us to be alone, just Bill sitting on the right side of me. I've been giving him the silent treatment for the last 20 minutes until just a couple seconds ago. I continue to stare at the water, never looking back at Bill. I'm really not that mad at him anymore, but it is fun to mess with him. He leans forward for me to see his big, puppy dog, gold eye. I couldn't help but smile winning a chuckle from him. He leans back while leaning me against his chest as our breathing becomes in sync. He starts stroking my hair as we both look at the lake showing a reflection of the night sky.

It was perfect and peaceful; Bill recovered a bit more from the night he almost died and is much better now. I was worried he wouldn't be able to recover from it, it seemed to have taken a toll on him. I haven't gotten anymore nightmares from the mysterious demon giving them to me, which has been a nice break for me. I just don't know how much longer I have for this break. Bill gently kisses my forehead, "I love you, Star."

"I love you too, Cipher."

"Stop thinking so much, just relax, okay?"

I nod my head, looking up at him. "I don't want you worrying about anything right now. Right now is for you and me, just us two." He places his hand on my cheek as he leans in and kisses me. Of course I decide to kiss him back as I close my eyes. I cut the kiss off short though by leaning back making Bill confused, something doesn't feel right. "What's wrong?" I ask him making him look even more confused.

"Why would you assume something's wrong?" he asks with his right hand still on my cheek and his left wrapped around my waist. He's not going to answer me easily, but I'm not giving up easily.

I bring up my hand to his and bring it down rubbing it; he looks down at our hands and squeezes mine. Something's definitely bothering him.

"Bill, you can place a fake smile on your face and you can reassure me that you're okay but your eye will always tell me differently."

He looks back up at me and it's clear as day (even though it's night) that he's worrying and scared about something. I don't want to see him like this, he's never like this. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck to bring him into a hug which he accepts faster than any hug we've had before. He always questions a hug and what the point of one is; I told him it's one way to show care for someone for many occasions. A hug can be between a sibling, a friend, or a lover. He almost freaked out when I told him about a kiss for the first time, correction: he DID freak out. Bill has been trying to show care for me by hugging me when he feels like he's not getting enough attention or if he feels absolutely alone even though he has argued with me that: "Bill Cipher never feels alone, I'm a dream demon!". He's never accepted one of my hugs this fast though, why can't you just talk to me Bill?!

"Bill?..." I whisper which makes him hug me tighter.

We stay silent, eventually he's bound to tell me what's least I hope he will. I'm not going to rush him or even force him, he'll tell me when he's ready. I just want to help him.

Who knows how long it's been now, we've stayed in the same position not talking to each other yet it feels we've been talking the whole time. I eventually close my eyes and rest my head in the crook of his neck; he holds me close and tight as he moves himself to lay down with me laying right next to him. Bill's still hugging me while I'm just resting beside him now. My head is on his chest and I can feel his heart beating; I don't think I've ever noticed Bill having a heart before, it's nice to know it is here keeping him alive. It's fighting for him to be alive while he's so weak from last summer's events.

I start to feel tired but before I could let darkness take over me, Bill finally speaks up, "Star?"

"Yeah Bill?" I answer with a hint of sleep in my voice.


I look up at him as he looks down at me, "Truth is, I'm scared." Bill sits up as I do the same while he grabs both of my hands and stares into my (e/c) eyes.

"I-I don't want to lose you, I'm afraid I'm going to lose you. I almost did and I hated that feeling of not having you by my side, not with me."


"I don't want it to happen again! I don't want whoever is after you to take you away from me so I can be left on my own. I can't even promise that I can stop them before it's too late! I don't know if I can keep you safe and that scares me."


"I have never felt true fear before neither have I ever fallen in love! I'm a dream demon who has broken the number one rule of not having emotions and honestly I don't care. Y/n L/n, my Star, I love you through all of time and through every single dimension and I can't lose you!"

He is crying and so am I. He cups my face with his hands and kisses me while I kiss back. His tears are falling onto my skin but I don't care, Bill Cipher just confessed his greatest fear while at the same time confessing his love for me. I don't want to lose him, my dream demon, the one who I hated at the beginning but soon fell for this dork and his strange ways. We let go, gasping for air for we didn't realize how long we had been kissing.

"I love you, Bill, and I'm not going to let anyone take me away from you. I won't let you be alone, I won't let you lose me. I don't want to lose you." I start to wipe his tears while he gives me a weak smile. I wrap my arms around his chest while he wraps his around my shoulders. He starts stroking my hair as he continues to cry a little bit. I try to calm him down the best I could, it's strange to see him weak like this.

"My precious, beautiful Star, I don't know what I'd do without you;" he releases and looks down at me, "don't leave me."


We spent the rest of the night laying down on the sand while star gazing. Eventually I felt Bill's arms wrap around me with his head on my my shoulder. Light snores escapes his lips soon after as I can't help but smile. Ford's going to be mad when he realizes I never came back to the shack but technically I'm stuck with no escape from Bill's strong, warm arms. Besides, I don't want to leave him. I look down at Bill and laugh a little, "Goodnight Bill, my dream demon."

That's when I finally let darkness take over me.

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