Chapter 5

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Mabel's POV

I wake up early, as usually, and I notice Dipper isn't in bed. I remember that he was hanging out with that new girl,
Y/n, last night. I can't believe she is Wendy's cousin! I wonder if she likes glitter or boy bands or boys in general! I wonder why Wendy hasn't mentioned her to us before...or maybe she has and I was to busy thinking about my pet pig, Waddles. Haha, I love that pig.

I go down stairs wearing my shooting star sweater to start off the day with pancakes made by my Grunkle Stan. I look in the living room and see both Dipper and Y/n asleep on the chair, both of them snoring and drooling, both of them sleeping next to each other.

I can't express how adorable this is, they look soo cute together! I ran back up the stairs, quietly so I wouldn't wake them up, and grabbed my camera. I take about 10 photos of them and decide I could use this as blackmail for Dipper one day. I can't wake Dipper and Y/n up with the camera still in my hand so I throw it across the room.

"Hey Dipper, whatcha doin'?" I yell in his ear. He woke up screaming his girly scream at the top of his lungs. I'm surprised he still hasn't reached the point where his voice starts to change. I like it though...I like to make fun of it. Haha, I crack myself up sometimes with my own thoughts.

"Mabel, what are you doing?" Dipper asks me with his voice still having a hint of sleepy in it.

"Just watching you drool all over Y/n's shoulder."

"Wait--What?! Oh come on...I didn't know...I mean, I-I didn't mean to!...*sigh* I-I am s-so sorry Y-Y/n..."

Y/n had woken up from Dipper's scream, she looks over at her shoulder then at Dipper and starts laughing. "It's cool, really Dipper. Anyways, I may have drooled all over your hat so we're even."

Dipper looks up at his hat and starts laughing too, but eventually I can see his cheeks start turning red in embarrassment. I'm sure I would be too if I drooled on my crush's cousin. I think Y/n could see the
blushing-of-embarrassment made by my brother because she started to give him a hug. Why do I feel like I missed something from last night? Time for me to start making my investigation. I am serious. Serious.

Grunkle Stan and Ford come into the room; one of them is fully clothed and the other is, well, in his everyday-at-home clothes. Basically, Grunkle Stan was dressed as if he had no manners. "Grunkle Stan, we have a guest here. You can't just dress like that in front of her!"

"Hey, when you get to be my age, you can tell me what I can and can't wear." Grunkle Stan said. I hope I never get to be his age, I can't imagine me looking like that. I probably could but I don't want to.

"Well Stanley, I am your age so you listen to me: go get change into something more casual." Ford said.

"This is as casual as it gets."


"Fine, fine. I'll go get change but that just means breakfast is going to be delayed."

Grunkle Stan leaves and Ford starts to talk, "So Y/n, how did you sleep last night?"

"It was okay but I want to go home now." Y/n said. Ford scratched the back of his head and looked a bit worried. It was odd for him to look like that but he seemed to look worried more often now. What was he so worried about anyways? "Okay, after breakfast Wendy should be coming over for her normal shift, that's when you'll be able to go back home. Is that okay with you?" She nodded her head slowly and we all go into the kitchen to wait for Grunkle Stan.


Once Stan was fully clothed, he made us pancakes. I have to say, they weren't the worst pancakes I've had. I look at the clock waiting for Wendy to come. I really just want to go home; why on earth does time have to go by so slow? I look out the window and I see the bright golden sun hitting the woods with its magnificent rays of light. Just last night I was in the those woods, running from something. I don't know what it was but someone was definitely following me, watching my every move.

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