Chapter 37

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Meet Markus Locke^^^

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update last week. School had me literally like a dog on a leash and it was horrible. But I'm here now! WARNING: Not this chapter but the next one is super long but please read it or you won't understand the rest of the story. I didn't mean for it to be...super long but I guess things happen when you're in the zone for writing.

Narrator's POV

"Mommy!" the young girl yelled, running out of her bedroom. She ran down the hallways through twists and turns before finding her mother in her own bedroom.

"Y/n? What are you doing still awake? You should be asleep right now."

The young girl's breath was shaky and her heart was beating fast. Fear. Pure fear is what the girl was experiencing. Her bright, (e/c) eyes were wide and her skin was very pale. She's never been so afraid in her life. All she wanted to do was scream and cry.

"Th-There's a monster i-in my r-room." Y/n stuttered while clenching onto her mother's leg tight.

"*sigh* Alright, let's go see this monster."

They both walked into her bedroom only to see everything the same. No one was in there but them. Y/n had finally let go of her mother and walked over to her vanity where the mirror was. Y/n was shaking as she walked closer to it, "It was right here, mommy, in the mirror." Her mother walked over only to find nothing; she sighed once again and rubbed her tired eyes, "Y/n, there's nothing there. Probably just your imagination."

Y/n shook her head rapidly, "Nuh uh, there was too something in there! A monster with wings a-and horns and a very, very long tail! He even looked part human! Mommy, I'm scared."

"There was nothing in your mirror. Now, go back to bed before your father gets home."

Her mother picked her up and placed the young girl in bed. She put the covers over her before kissing the top of her head. She walked over and turned off the light switch before walking out the door to her own bedroom.

Y/n closed her eyes tight while holding tight to her blanket, trying to steady her breathing.

"There's no such thing as monsters..."


"There's no such thing as monsters...There's no such thing as monsters...There's no such thing as monsters..."

I open my eyes and I start to shake uncontrollably. My blurry vision starts to clear up to see a silhouette of a figure standing in front of a...portal? What happened?! Okay, recap: the portal started, Markus was the one behind it all, he was doing this for his master. Is that him? Is that his master? Ugh, my head hurts so much. I feel terrified; why am I terrified all of a sudden? I don't even know this guy yet. Maybe that's why I'm scared.

I see everyone start to finally regain consciousness as well. Gravity has already come back and I'm sitting on the floor. The light from the portal dims a little as the figure becomes more clear. It starts to chuckle darkly, it's voice raspy and deep. Male, I believe. He walks closer and my eyes widen as I grow pale.

Definitely male but not human. This man, I know him. A few weeks after I started having the dream of the wheel, I saw a monster in my mirror while trying to go to bed. He was the monster. I remember those dark, cold, violet eyes anywhere. He wore a purple suit with a salmon colored tie tucked in. He wore shiny, black shoes. Sticking out of the man's back were shiny, black wings, large and as sharp as razors. Black horns stuck up from his grey, light purple hair. His teeth were sharp and had facial hair from sideburns to a goatee. Trailing behind him was a long purple tail that was as sharps as his wings.

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