Chapter 39

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Sorry I couldn't update Monday...School... >:(


"P-Please, leave me alone! Let go of me! What did I ever do to you?!" I cried and screamed as the two demons drag me away from Ford's body.

"Look, Y/n, I suggest you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut until we are farther away and Bill won't be able to hear us." the pink demon tells me yet keeps her eye on the path and never looks at me directly.

I shut my mouth tight and let them drag me to who knows where. They drag me until we are deep in the forest far from any other demons or what's left of civilization. They let go of me and I fall to the ground, backing away from both creatures. "H-How do you know m-me? What do you want from me?!"

"Yeesh, alright, introduction time. I'm Pyronica and this is Keyhole. As you can already tell, we're demons; friends of Bill's actually and who doesn't know who his girlfriend is?"

"I-I'm not the girlfriend of that monster." I say narrowing my eyes.

Pyronica took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly while looking at the ground, "Yeah, he has changed, hasn't he? A monster now, even. Not the same Bill we all knew and loved. That's why we came to ask for a favor."

"And you think I'm going to trust you because?..."

"Look, do whatever you want to us; all we are asking for is help to stay hidden from Lord Psyche. Please, we're begging you."

"Wow, demons can beg? Would have never guessed." I retorted.

"Please, Y/n," Keyhole begged, "you don't know Psyche like we do. He plans on destroying every planet in the galaxy and then what's left? Where will we live? The Nightmare Realm will be destroyed and we are left with no home! We don't care what you humans plan on doing to us so long as you stop him."

"You help us stop him?" I ask suspiciously. Both of them nod their heads as it grows silent. Okay, so I have trusted two demons before and look how that turned out! Why should I trust these two? What makes them different from Cipher and Locke?

They begged. Yeah, I did notice that. It doesn't seem like a common thing for demons to necessarily do. Still, why should I still trust these two? I've trusted two demons already and look where that got me. They seem terrified. Yes, also noticed, thank you brain. Okay, so they look terrified; this could all be fake and be a trap for later. These two though, I have this odd feeling to trust them...WHAT DO I DO?! What would Ford do...would he trust them? They could have killed me and demanded that I took them back to the bunker but instead they begged and pleaded that I help them out.

"What about Bill? Your friend?"

I could've sworn I heard Pyronica growl, "He chose his side, he chose to work with the monster. If he wants to destroy everyone and everything then fine by me but I'll be dead before I decide to join Kaden!"

My eyes widen at her sudden outburst as I just stare blankly. "Okay, well, I think we have enough room in the bunker for you two. Just...please, don't make me regret doing this."

Keyhole smiles at me and traps me in a tight hug where my lungs literally cannot be filled with air, "C-Can't...breathe!..." He lets go and laughs while still having a huge smile on his face. I look down at my hands where I've been holding tightly to a pair of broken glasses; I let a tear slip as Pyronica and Keyhole hug me sympathetically and not as tight as before. I wipe away the few stray tears and look up at the two, "Come on, we have a lot of work to do if we want to defeat Psyche."

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