Chapter 48/Epilogue

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"Bill, you did not have to do this..." I said in awe as we walked onto the roof where a picnic blanket laid with food, a candle, and it just so happened to be right underneath the starry-night sky.

Bill laughed a little as he wore his yellow tailcoat, black top hat, and signature black bowtie. He had used his powers to transform my sweatshirt and jeans into the same blue dress from our first date but without the makeup and heels. He wrapped one arm around my waist as we walked over and sat on the picnic blanket.

"Yes I did, especially since this is your last night in Gravity Falls."

He spoke the truth, today is indeed my last day in Gravity Falls as my summer has come to an end. We got to spend two weeks together since Kaden was defeated and now it is finally time for me to go. Mabel had given me a goodbye party last night as the entire town was invited to say goodbye to me. All day today I spent packing as Bill spent it unpacking whatever I packed. No wonder it took literally all day to do.

"Do you have to leave?" Bill asks out of the blue while playing with a string of my hair that was in front of my face.

I sigh, knowing this would be the seventh time I answered this question today, "Yes, Bill, I do. I have some unfinished business to attend with a dirty blonde chic that started the bullying towards me at my school. Besides, I don't want to have to deal with the transfer papers from one school to another."

He sighs as he looks up at me with a pleading eye. Ugh, why does he have to make everything so complicated?

"I'm a very complicated demon, Star. You should know this by now." he answers my mind-question.

We sit in silence once again as I wrap my arms around his neck while looking up at the sky, easily spotting Orion's Belt. "How long do I have to wait till I get to see you again?" Bill questions as he looks down at me with the saddest look I've seen him give yet. Well, besides our second date.

"How long are you willing to wait for me?" I ask back, changing his own question.

He's silent for a while as I wait patiently for him to answer my question. He starts to move my hair out of my face as he leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips before whispering, "As long as I have to."

Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are


I woke up early as I went into the bathroom to change, brush my teeth, and brush out my hair. I went back into my bedroom that looked completely empty with nothing left of mine besides my leather black jacket, my journal with a six fingered hand, and my star necklace that laid on my nightstand.

I put my arms through the sleeves of the jacket, place the necklace around my neck, and held tightly onto the journal. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror one last time as I tried to clear my eyes of any salty traitors that wished to escape.

I went outside to see Ford and Stan putting the last of my things in M/n's and D/n's car. I sigh as I walk up to my cousin who has a small smile placed upon her lips. "Hey, Red. It's been great catching up with you."

"Same here. Take care of yourself and come back sooner than ten years." I laugh as she playfully punches my arm.

Thompson is in tears as he runs over to me and pulls me into a tight hug. Wendy joins and so does Nate, Lee, Tambry, and even Robbie which surprised me. I try my best to breathe as they continue to squeeze the life out of me. They finally released me as I am trying to hold back tears from seeing all their faces with no dry eye in sight. Robbie's eyeliner is getting messed up and I cannot believe he is actually crying because I am leaving.

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