Chapter 42

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Three days have passed and I'm still stuck in the past. The blizzard is no where close to ending so it's just been Ford, Bill, and I at the shack. Of course, Ford doesn't know I've been talking to Bill which is exactly what Bill wanted. I would probably be more calm if I wasn't worrying about my friends in the present- or future. I don't even know!

It's night meaning Ford is asleep and Banford is awake working on fixing the time machine. I'm sitting in the bunker with him on my own swirly chair that I've been spinning around in. That is, until Banford finally got annoyed of it. He reaches out and grabs my chair without turning away from his work to immediately stop it sending me falling off the chair. He starts chuckling as I only glare at him hugging my knees. I stay seated on the ground as he continues to work in silence.

Of course, my mind starts to wander off. What's happening to everyone in the future right now? Is there even a future anymore? Is my world already blown up into nothing?! Maybe I could go back a few days before, maybe I can go back to the very moment Bill sent me back to the past. What time was it? What day was it? I have completely lost count of what day it actually is here in the past since I never really bothered to ask. I just know that I've been here for two nights and three mornings and this will be my third night.

I see someone snap their fingers in my face with an annoyed look, "Kid, stop zoning out like that. Your thoughts are too loud and I can't focus so, do you mind?" Banford turned back around and continued to work.

I miss home, I miss my Mystery Shack with all the hoax and fake creatures Stan created. I miss every morning, getting up to see two brunettes with bright smiles waiting for me outside my room to start the day. I miss sitting at the kitchen table with just Ford and being able to talk to him. I miss Bill...I miss the days when he would just bug me until he got the attention he wanted. Why did Markus and Kaden have to ruin that for me?

I hear Banford sigh as he glances at me. He turns back his attention to the desk as he slightly pushes himself away and turns the swirly chair in my direction. He hunches over so we are basically face-to-face; he may have the face of my father but his eyes show my lover. Those gold, hypnotizing eyes.

"Kid, what's your relationship with me in the future."

I froze, unsure of what he meant, "I-I already told you, Bill Cipher is my Master and I am his slave."

Banford chuckles, "Dear, did you already forget that I am capable of reading minds?"

My skin turns pale; no, he knows! Does that mean everything is ruined? Does this mean I'm never getting that time machine fixed nor am I going to rescue my family?! "I never said that~" Banford interrupts my thoughts. I look up at him with fear written in my eyes. Banford picks up the star charm that hangs around my neck by a silver chain.

"Y/n, I started reading your mind from day one because I knew you wouldn't tell me the truth. The truth was hard to believe at first; I mean, my plans failed and I'm basically dying until you become my savior who just so happens to become my lover. How is a demon as myself suppose to process the fact that I earn emotions in the future?"

Banford leans closer and puts a hand on my chin, "The necklace is the reason why I'm helping you. I could've let you stay stuck in the past and hoped to never see you again. My future self, however, put his powers inside your necklace indicating that you are worth just as much. That he would die, basically, without you.

"I'm still going to help you out, nonetheless, because as much as I hate Meatsacks I despise Kaden more. So, I'm going to fix your time machine and I'm going to get you back to your time if it's the last thing I do. Got it? Good. Now stop worrying and relax because your thoughts are unbearably loud."

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