Chapter 28

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A/N: Just so we are clear, I give full credit to the amazing artist who made this version of Bill Cipher. Of course, I give full credit to everyone's fanart I have put on here but I used this outfit in the story below so thank you amazing artist! (All these artists are amazing and talented)

Bill's POV

Tonight went great! Sure the thunderstorm killed the mood but I did get a kiss. Wow, I kissed an actual human mortal...but she's different from other humans. Maybe that's why I care about her so much than any other Meatsack. Ha, I'm actually in love! It's so strange, I mean demons aren't suppose to fall in love but that doesn't mean I want to stop.

It's real, these feelings I have are real!

It's been an hour since I left Star on her doorstep; I'm still drenched but at least it stopped pouring, it's just sprinkling now. I would dry myself off but that would be a waste of my powers. It's just water, water can't hurt me.

I continue to walk further...until I collapse. I collapse onto the mud ground, clutching my chest. I can't breathe, I can't get air into my lungs. Pain rises all over my body and it hurts, badly. Pain use to be fun when I use to only have it rarely when I possessed people but this, this hurts. My vision starts to get blurry as water falls onto my face; I can't tell if it's rain or my own salty tears. I can't pass out, not now. Not when Star could receive a nightmare; I can't let her receive one, not tonight! I can't fight back anymore, the symbols are already appearing all over my body; they're the last of my magic fighting for me to stay alive. I let the darkness consume me.

"Star...forgive me.."


I open my eyes, I must've passed out on the ground but now I'm wearing something new: white sleeveless
t-shirt, tattoos of brick patterns on my arms, dark grey ripped up pants, and black shoes. Weird, what happened? I try to recall my recent events; so first I picked Star up, took her to Greasy's Diner, we star gazed for a while, kissed, and then- oh gosh, what have I done?! I try to stand up which was a bad decision because I just fell over. I wipe the mud off my face and stand up again, sprinting to the shack.

Someone is giving my Star nightmares and I just gave whoever a great opportunity. How long was I out? Well, turns out I passed out for 6 hours, it's 6 o'clock. I was awake when it was around 12 and now it's 6. I'm such an idiot. Who knows what kind of nightmare she was given? Probably one that makes it seem as though I'm the one giving her it like the Weirdmageddon nightmare.

Don't worry, Star, I'm coming.

Dumb legs, can't move fast enough. I finally reach the shack...twenty minutes later. I try to get in the front door but it's locked; maybe I can break in? No, no...well maybe... As I'm trying to decide whether I should break in or not, I hear a scream. I run to the other side of the shack, tripping along the way, and find myself at a window outside of Star's room.

I look inside, she's shaking, sweating, and crying. What happened in her mind?! Is she okay? I swear, I will kill myself if she isn't okay. Better yet, kill the one responsible, time is running out for me to find out who is doing this. I watch as Fez opens the door out of breath, I can't hear what they are saying though. I see Star sprint out of the room passing Fez. I hear the front door to the shack open and slam close shut. That's when I see her, running, but running where?

I follow her, running, but also quiet so she can't hear me. We both end up on the cliff I took her to last night. She sits on the edge in a ball form crying again; I hate seeing her like this. Where's my bright, beautiful Star with so much joy and curiosity? I slowly walk over to her, not knowing how she's going to react, and place my hand on her shoulder gently. She tenses up which just worries me more, "Y/n?"

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