Chapter 23

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Fishing went great yesterday! Stan made me my own hat with the second letter sewed on the wrong way. Oh well, I still liked it. We had ran into Old Man McGucket there; turned out he WAS a scientific genius before he started erasing his mind. His real name is Fiddleford McGucket and just so happened to work with Ford in the past. We left Ford and McGucket to talk while Stan, Dipper, Mabel, and I went fishing.

We caught some fish...took me a while to get the hang of fishing. My parents never took me so this was my first time. I could have sworn I saw something big and green under the water, like some lake monster. Dipper assured me that there wasn't any, that the only monster they found in this lake was just one of McGucket's machines that he created. I believed him and continued what I was doing.

We had gone home after that and ordered pizza. We spent the rest of the night watching some horror movies. I had fallen asleep halfway through the second movie on Ford. I had woken up today in my (Ford's) room with the sheets on top of me. Ford must've brought me to my room to sleep. I wonder how long they had stayed up last night? I asked Dipper who seemed exhausted and a bit jumpy saying, "Mabel forced me to watch five more horror movies. Seven horror movies!" I laughed and tried to calm him down, he seemed to not like horror movies. Through the first one we saw he had clung to my arm while ducking his head behind a pillow. He told me that mystery and adventure movies were fine but horror movies were torture for him.

The twins and I decided to have a lazy day in their room. Dipper wanted to read, Mabel wanted to play with Waddles, and I wanted to blast Fall Out Boy music until we all went deaf. Dance, Dance is playing right now from their album From Under the Cork Tree. It's soon interrupted a minute into the song with Stan yelling, "Kids!"

"We're sleeping!" Dipper yelled down without moving his head out of his book.

Stan yells a second time with Mabel now answering, "We're dead!"


"We've been abducted by aliens!" I join in while listening to my music still.

"If you guys don't get down here I'm taking the tv away for a month!" We all look at each other in fear and rush down the stairs. We past Ford and Bill who were going through their notes at the table next to the living room; it was more like Bill correcting Ford about his mistakes on his notes. "Ah, kids, there you are. There's some teenage boy in the gift shop who wants to see Y/n." I see Bill dart his eye up and from where I'm standing it looks as though he's a bit jealous. That's impossible though because demons cannot feel anything towards another being...right?

"What does he look like?"

"Weird hat, brown coat, lots of muscles, black hair and green highlights. He was also eating one of those...uh- three cat-ears or somethin'..."

3 Musketeers!! How does he not know what that is? I would die if I didn't have my daily 3 Musketeer. First, Ford is clueless of Fall Out Boy, which kills me on the inside, and now Stan is clueless to one of the most delicious candy bar that ever existed! There are many more but it would take me hours to say all of them.

"Oh, that's just Markus." He must've considered my proposal about the job. I knew I could help him and he's actually letting me.

"Who is he?" Dipper asks in curiosity. Mabel gasps loudly, "Do you have a crush on him?!" My cheeks start to burn a little as I laugh nervously; Bill looks at me almost as if he is dying to hear my answer. (A/N: Do I smell jealousy? Is my Billy jealous that I may like another guy? ;) )

"No, Markus is just a friend. He's here for a job." Stan's eyes widen, "A job? Who does he think is going to give him a job?"

"Well, I was hoping you would, Stan." Stan mumbles something under his breath as he pinches the brick of his nose; I don't know if he is okay with this idea..."Please, Stan, he's all on his own and no one will give him a job. He has been living a criminal life just so he can survive and not starve to death. Can you please help him out?"

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