Chapter 13

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Narrator's POV

"Don't worry, kid, I got this~" Bill Cipher says to you in a soothing tone while gripping on your arm so you don't try to run from the gnomes. First of all, you were frustrated that he just called you 'kid' again. Second, you're afraid of what Bill might do to take-care-of-things. How did dream demons do it? You weren't sure, but you were about to find out.

Jeff and the other gnomes appeared in the form of a giant, red monster with razor sharp teeth. Jeff was stunned to see this blonde hair boy standing next to you, coming out of no where. "Y/N- oh, wow. Is this?-Is this your boyfriend? Ha, wow, did not see that coming."

"Oh no, no no no no no! This is NOT my boyfriend! I would be caught dead before he-" you start to argue before Bill rudely cuts you off.

"Look, Small Stack, let's cut to the chase. See, Star here is my toy and I don't like people messing with my toys."

"Your to-" you start to argue before getting cut off by Jeff now.

"Exactly who do you think you are, Blondey? This Princess here is going to be our next Queen and no one is going to take her from us!"

Bill starts to chuckle softly under his breathe before it soon turns into a hysterical laugh that would belong to someone from an asylum. "Oh man, do you even know who you are talking to?"

Jeff and the other gnomes share glances to one another for none of them knew who this teenage boy was. The boy took a step closer to them as they took a step back, "I'm your greatest nightmare, the one who created the word fear. The true ruler of this pathetic world that you Meatsacks live on. The one who would have freed you from this stupid society by releasing the weirdness if it weren't for a pair of twins. Have you gotten my hint yet? Need another clue?!" By now, his hair was turning blood red with his shirt the same color and his pants a pale white color, same for his shoes. His eye was turning pitch black with a white slit in the middle, he continues without even noticing the change in his attire, "I'm the all seeing EYE! A powerful being with no weaknesses! No one, not even Sixer, can stop me!! I AM BILL CIPHER!!!" By now his whole body was in flames and he started throwing fire at the gnomes, breaking their horrific, monster-size form.

All the gnomes scattered in different directions, none of them knowing exactly where they were headed. Some were on fire, others were able to make it to the stream. Jeff just stood in the middle of all this chaos in shock and in denial. Bill's little show that he performed made him believe only a tad bit but he did watch as both Grunkles and the twins erased Bill Cipher from existence. He's even passed the statue of the triangular demon multiple occasions and never once saw a difference. So how exactly could this boy be the all knowing and all powerful dream demon?

"Okay, Demon, you may have won this time but just know: Y/n will be our Queen and you won't always be there to protect her!" Jeff yells before finally disappearing into the wilderness and joining the others.

Bill looks down at his attire and sees that it has fully changed. He sits down on the ground and tries to regain his energy. Even just using the smallest amount of the little power he has left weakens him and brings him closer to the grave. You watch as his clothing slowly changes into it's usual yellow and black look. You stand there trying to think of something to say. What were you to say to this demon who you never wanted to see again yet he did just save you from a gang of psychopath gnomes?

"I didn't need your help, I had everything under control."

Bill darted his eye toward you and tried to contain himself from laughing. "Oh please, I don't think it's healthy to be lying to yourself, Star."

Monsters and Demons (Bill x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now