Chapter 9

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"C-Cipher! W-What are you doing here?" I say after jumping a couple feet away from him after I noticed it was him who was speaking.

"Relax kid, I was just taking a walk on this lovely night when I noticed you shivering. I see you read my note and you are able to pronounce it right!" Cipher says with a grin.

I sigh and look at the ground, "Sorry, you scared me there for a second. I didn't think anyone would be this deep in the forest."

"Well, since I'm here, why not I walk you home?"

I stare at him for a while, how on earth do I know he isn't going to try and kidnap me or something? I literally know nothing about this guy except that he knows Wendy and that could quite possibly be a lie since she has never told me about a guy named Cipher.

"Look kid, it's cool if you don't want me to come along. I just thought you may need the company and maybe a jacket to cover your arms. I'll go though if you wish, I know when I'm not wanted."

He starts walking away and I groan in defeat; I feel a little bad for doing that and also I do want something to keep me warm. "Fine, you can come along if you don't mind coming to Greasy's Diner then taking me home."

He turns around and grins, "I don't mind at all, kid."

"Could you stop that?"

"Stop what? My devilish, good looking grin?"

"Wha- No, I need you to stop calling me a kid. I'm fifteen years old, a teenager." I say back. Did he really just sa- I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear it.

"Then what should I call you? I need a nickname for everyone which means you." He starts scratching his chin then looks up at the now night sky. It seemed to get pretty dark faster here in Gravity Falls which seems very odd to me. "Star."


"Yeah, Star. Stars are mysterious and very beautiful; they remind me of a certain new girl that came into town." He says and winks at me.

I don't even try to argue with him now; at least he isn't calling me 'kid' anymore. I feel a sudden weight on my shoulders as we start walking and I notice he put his jacket on me.
"T-Thanks, Cipher."

"No problem, my little Star. Now, let's get you to the diner so you can get home before someone starts worrying about you. This forest can be a very dangerous place."

I nod and continue to walk. I don't talk to him because I honestly have trouble talking in general. Like I said before, I'm very shy and not good with people. He keeps staring at me and starts to snicker under his breath. "What?"

"Nothing, Y/n. You just seem so cute when you don't know what to say. Are you always this quiet?" Cipher asks me.

"You could say that..." I say trailing off.

"I get it, you don't want to talk. That's cool, I always think walks in the forest are more peaceful when no one is talking. Just having the company is what I like best."

I smile and we continue to walk into this eternal night. He's right, it is more peaceful when no one is talking. I guess Cipher isn't so bad; he's not forcing me to talk to him or anything. He's just letting me be my shy self.

We keep walking deeper and deeper and I honestly have no idea where we are going. Everything looks the same at night in a forest whereas when it is morning I am always able to tell that slight difference in the path that makes me remember which way to go. So I'm basically trusting Cipher to take me to Greasy's Diner and not to some abandon cabin where he could lock me up in. As I am thinking this, as if on cue, I see an opening through the trees and a dim light coming from a small diner. My favorite diner since I was five. Guess I could trust Cipher after all.

*Time Skip brought to you by Greasy's Diner*

I finish my burger, fries, and Pitt Cola an hour later. Cipher didn't seem to mind; he used that hour to ask me questions. When he said he wanted to get to know me, he really wanted to get to know me. None of the questions were too personal; they were mostly about where I was from and my family and friends.

Once I finished eating, we went back on our walk through the woods to find Wendy's cabin. It was quiet for a while until Cipher spoke once again breaking my daze from looking at the night sky, "You like stars, Star?"

"Well, I guess my nickname would answer that question."

"Well, I didn't base your nickname off of you liking stars since I didn't know that about you. So tell me, why do you like the stars so much?"

"Umm, I guess that would be because of their beauty and the different constellations they create. They are what shines light into the dark night." I answer.

He nods his head and looks at the night sky as well. "Well, they aren't the only ones that are beautiful."

"Really, like what?"

"Me!" Cipher says and starts laughing hysterically. His laugh couldn't be more annoying but what he said made me laugh as well.

"Sure you are..."

"What? You don't agree?" He asks looking down at me while cocking an eyebrow.

"I mean, your not too bad. I could think of other things that are more beautiful though."

He leans down and whispers in my ear, ""

I look away and become silent again. I can think of lots of things to call myself but 'beautiful' wasn't one of them. I look back up at the sky and I think Cipher can tell I don't want to talk anymore about it because he stays quiet.

We keep walking and my feet start to be in pain. I just want to go to the cabin and fall fast asleep on my bed even if that meant I had to receive another nightmare.

"Don't worry, my little Star, we are almost there just a-" Cipher says but he suddenly stops. I turn around to see him collapsed on the ground.

"Cipher!" I scream. I kneel down next to him and the first thing I do is try to find a pulse. I found one but it seems weak. I-Is he dying? How exactly is he dying, he was just fine a minute ago! Wind starts to blow around me hard and I gasp at what I see next.

Cipher's body starts glowing a bright blue color. Symbols start to appear all over his body; some seem like a different language, others look like...the ten symbols. Bill's wheel symbols to be exact. On his forehead is a symbol of an eye and that is what's glowing the brightest.


I'm getting scared; but is it for him or of him? I'm getting terrified, I might actually pass out from it. How exactly are these symbols appearing on him? The dream demon's symbols!

Unless...could he be--no, that's insane! Bill was a triangular shaped demon with one eye; Cipher is a human being with two eyes. Well, three eyes now. This doesn't make any sense!

Dipper told me he wouldn't tell me Bill's last name because it would be like him summoning the demon. Could C-Cipher be Bill's last name?

No, it's not possible. Whatever is happening to him has to be something has to be! I trust Cipher and whatever is happening to him right now is killing him. I need to get him somewhere and I need to get some answers.

I'm sure Wendy wouldn't mind a guest...especially if she doesn't know he's there.

I hope I'm making the right decision.

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