Chapter 16

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(A/N: Sorry, I don't know if any sound is coming out of the video. But I think we all know every word to this song so...)


It's been five days; five days without seeing Ford or Bill. Dipper says Ford has been doing some work in his laboratory but I feel like he's just trying to avoid me so he doesn't make me cry again and Bill...I don't know where he went. Ever since the day when we had an argument, I gave him the silent treatment, and the day I think he may have kissed my forehead was the last day I've seen him. What could he possibly be doing?

Honestly, it gets kind of lonely without him being here annoying me. At least it gives me some time to myself here in the woods. I can finally have a clear head and think with no one around for miles to annoy me.

I have been climbing a few trees, skipping around, and when I know there is no way possible for anyone to see me I have been dancing to some songs in my head. I'm not the greatest dancer so I don't usually like to dance in front of people. As I'm dancing, I trip over something that's on the ground. My head hits the ground and I start to get a major headache. I look up and I'm blinded by the sun; as I look around I notice that I'm back to the place where I tripped and hurt my leg and ankle.

It's the exact same place where Ford found me. I stand up and brush myself off; I look on the ground but I don't see a branch sticking out of the ground or anything. It looks like the ground is raised in one area and it seems like there's something underneath. Out of curiosity, I decide to start digging. Whatever is underneath all this grass seems to be hard; I pull off the vines that have entangled it and pull it out to reveal a book. I brush off the cover where there is a ton of dirt. The book is maroon and is ripped up in some areas; because it was underneath the ground for so long it had grass stains in some areas as well. Once I finish cleaning it, I'm able to see a golden hand with six fingers and a 3 written on it. Six fingers...Ford!

Dipper did say that he found a journal last summer that belonged to the Author. He also said that Bill destroyed it along with the first and second journal. How was it here and in good condition? I open the cover and start flipping through the pages. There are pictures and information about all the creatures Dipper and Mabel have went up against and more. There was even a page about Bill Cipher with words in red saying "DO NOT SUMMON AT ALL COSTS!". It was as if it was written in blood; what exactly did Bill do to Ford? Ford never did tell me what Bill tricked him into doing except for the fact that he has been tricked. I brush my fingers over Bill's picture in his triangular demon form. Why is he in a human form instead of his triangular form? Why does he hate the Pines so much and vice versa? Why do I keep asking myself questions I don't know the answer to? I don't know.

It's early still and I don't have to be at the shack for another two hours but I decide to go anyways. I can get some answers about the journal coming back and maybe get the truth about what all Bill did. I know he possessed Dipper and went into Grunkle Stan's mind, I know that he created Weirdmageddon and tried to take over the world but I still feel like I'm missing something. Question is, what am I missing?

*Time Skip*

I walk into the living room where I see Mabel laying on the floor knitting a new sweater. I look over to see Ford writing in his notebook while sitting at the table. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He looks over and jumps out of his seat, "Y/n! I'm surprised to see you here so early. Is something wrong?"

"No, I just thought I'd stop by early today since I have nothing better to do."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'll go ahead and start working early today in my bedroom. Mabel's in the living room and I believe Dipper was taking a shower so he should be down here shortly." He starts to get up and organize his papers, "If you need me just call; Stanley should be back shortly from the store and Wendy is in the gift shop."

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