Chapter 8

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"...and that's why I was late. I really didn't mean to worry you, Dipper. I promise for now on I'll come everyday with no delay." I say to the twins.

I basically told them everything that happened today, since that is what they want me to do. I told them about how I got myself settled at Wendy's place and meeting her friend Tambry. She didn't say much, she mostly stayed on her phone texting Wendy's ex boyfriend, Robbie.

That was before I decided to go to Greasy's Diner. I told them that I got waffles and ate every last bite, down to the very last crumb. I told them that a boy had given me my food but I didn't go into much detail since it doesn't seem important. I just told them what he looked like and what he wore.

Mabel was surprised about the eyes and had said, "Ooh, what if he is like a type of werecat, Dipper? Do you think we could go hunt him down and see if he is single?!"

"Uh, I don't know, Mabel. I think if he is a, whatever you said, I think it's best we keep him away from you at all cost." Dipper had said, that seemed reasonable to me. Dipper had seemed a little suspicious about the boy but shrugged it off like it was nothing but a weird feeling.

Since they didn't ask for his name, I decided not to tell them. He already seemed not comfortable saying it out loud in the diner.

"It's alright, don't sweat about it. No one here was really worried since we knew you would come here eventually." Dipper says.

"Everyone, except for Dipper. Man you should have seen him, he was freaking ou-"

"I-I don't know what y-you are talking about. I wasn't freaking out over her not being here on time! Worried, yes, but not freaked out!" Dipper says trying to defend himself in his cracking voice but I start to see his cheeks become a hint of red.

I kind of feel bad; I mean, it's the worst thing when someone tells your friend a type of embarrassing thing about you. In this case: Dipper could not stop being worried about me at all; not stop thinking or talking about me wondering if I was okay. What do I say? Well let's see what comes out of my mouth today.

"It's okay Mabel, I'm glad he was really worried about me. It just shows that he is a really good friend and doesn't want a demon to kill me."

"Y-Yes, that's exactly it! I've seen what Bill can do and I just don't want anything to happen to you."Dipper says with a wide grin and no red cheeks to be seen. Guess my mouth was useful today.

"Whatever you say, Dip-stick. I'm going to go find Waddles and see what I can dress him up like today! Y/n, wanna come? It'll be Fuuunnn!" Mabel screams.

I shrug, "Why not? I can't stay long though, my parents want me to be back home at 6 pm since that's what I told them was when my shift ended." It was Ford's idea that Wendy and I told my parents that I'll be working there for the summer so they weren't becoming curious of why I kept coming to the Mystery Shack everyday.

I run upstairs and I fell in love with Dipper and Mabel's room. It was just a small room in the attic with two beds; one side was covered with journals and paper while the other side was covered with glitter and boy band posters. Honestly, I think I would prefer Dipper's side of the room just because there was too much glitter for me to handle on Mabel's side.

"Welcome to the Mystery Twin's Bedroom!" Mabel announces. I laughed and plopped onto Dipper's bed.

"Man, I would kill to have a room like this." I say in awe.

"We should totally have a sleepover sometime!" Mabel squealed while squeezing her cheeks towards her mouth making her look like a puffer fish.

"I do-"

"Mabel, she literally just met us! Why not she gets to know us before she decides to start sleeping over. It's not even her choice to come over here, we told her to do that, so let's let Y/n decide whether or not she wants to sleepover. She does need to make some choices for herself." Dipper says defending me.

Wow, I get a say in this? I thought I was just going to be told everything I do for the rest of the summer. Dipper is awesome for trying to look after me, he's like the brother I never had since I'm an only child. (A/N: you are an only child in this story so if you do have siblings, sorry they no longer exist XD)

"I'll think about it, Mabel, okay?" I say.

She frowns and says, "Okay, fine. So what do you want to know about us?"

I think for a second, there is so much to learn about these two. Like why Mabel has a pig in the first place and why she is dressing him up to look like Dipper, why Dipper likes my cousin so much, how they know Bill in the first place...

Then I finally decide what question I want to start with, "What made you guys want to find out about the mysteries of this town?"

I see them look at each other and they both have a wide grin on their faces. Yup, this was the perfect question to start with, I can already tell.

Dipper sat on the bed next to me and says, "Well, it all started last summer when we were sent to Gravity Falls to visit our Grunkle Stan. That's the summer when I found the journal..."

*Time Skip*

It was time for me to leave the Mystery Shack; man, did I learn a lot! There seems to be so many mysteries in this town like how the Author of the three journals that held these secrets was stuck in another dimension for 30 years and just so happens to be Ford!

Note to self: if I come face-to-face with a Gremloblin, run! Don't look into it's eyes or it will show me my greatest fear.

Mabel told me about how she got Waddles and how they had time traveled and created a type of paradox trying to get him. This is a lot to take in honestly because I never thought of this stuff to be real. Time traveling, gnomes, wax figures coming to life, a monster called the Gremloblin, zombies, unicorns, summoning demons. All of it!

I say my 'good-byes' to the Pines family and head out into the forest. I realize it is 6:50 pm, guess I stayed longer than I wanted to. I texted my parents: Sorry, had to work a late shift. I'm going to eat at Greasy's Diner so don't bother waiting for me. Ttyl, I'll be home eventually.

My dad texts me back with: K, just stay off your phone just in case you need to text us.

Man, I make one mistake and now it will never leave me! Oh well, I guess everyone is just worried about me for different reasons.

I keep walking and it seems colder out here than yesterday. I cross my arms, wishing I had my sweatshirt right about now. "Need a jacket?" I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and I see him: Cipher.

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