Chapter Two

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"Hey, (y/n)!" A male voice called out to you as you started to sketch out a new poster for the FMC's debate. Turning, you saw one of the officers jogging up to you with a couple papers in hand.

"Hey, Alex." You greeted with a smile and stood up from the floor to face him. Alex was nice, and one of the few people that have actually considered you a friend. For his soft appearance, it's almost amazing he's as fierce as he's debating.

"So, you know about the debate next month, right?" He asked, glancing up at you. You nodded cautiously and questioned him about it.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, you're going to have to take my position..." He muttered and handed me his papers. You stopped dead, feeling stress slap you across the face.

"I-In the 'Free Debate'?" You stuttered and bit your lip. The Free Debates were easily the hardest arguments to win. They were literally the most disorganized and required a lot of manpower to get your point through. The fact that the DM club had recently started to become more physical, getting into that kind of debate was almost a living hell for anyone trying it. "I-I can't do that. I'll get eaten alive!"

"No, you won't. Look, I arranged your part to stay in there for only ten minutes. You can get through all my notes in 5 if you just arrange them correctly and waste the remaining 5 by allowing the other side to run on about their argument." He pointed down at the paper folder in your hands. "This is all you have to do...please?"

You bit your lip again, now feeling the stress sinking into your heart.

"Sure." You felt that word roll out of your mouth, meaningless with shock. Everything started to whirl within your head as he smiled his 'thanks' and left. too much...

Glancing at the clock, you saw it was only 5:30pm but you placed your poster away and made your way to the leader's post. You needed a breather...get away for a bit. Besides, you had an excuse...

Within a couple minutes, you had yourself in front of the building with the faint sound of what seemed like a heated dispute from the inside. You cautiously stepped in, seeing three monsters and three humans arguing, practically yelling at each other. One of the monsters, you believe was known as the Final Froggit, started to blast white flies at one of the humans....That person threw up their arms for protection and tore off their leadership badge.

"YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! I HOPE ALL YOU MONSTERS DIE!" He sputtered and rushed out past you, running into you as he exited the building. The three monster stood in awkwardness while the other two humans sighed and talked among themselves. It wasn't long until the Froggit addressed you.

"Yes, (y/n)?"

"I was wondering if I could leave early to study..." You knew this wasn't the time to ask but you couldn't just leave. He nodded in approval.

"You've been a loyal member. I don't mind you leaving, just make sure to make up your arguments at home." He muttered and turned to the rest of the leaders for agreement. They nodded and returned back to their work. You thanked them and hurried off. What was that argument about?

Quickly, you shook off your worry and focused on something else...your studies and your new position in the debate. God, I'm so screwed.

With a quick flick, you called up Papyrus, asking for a ride. He answered rather quickly, jumping at something as he did. You could hear him scolding someone in the background.


He cleared his throat and started to talk to you, causing you to laugh at him as he struggled to keep a normal conversation going. Eventually, he said that he'd pick you up in five minutes.

"Thanks, Papyrus." You chuckled and hung up. It wasn't long until he picked you up, and you were at his place about 15 minutes before schedule. Crap.

"H-hey, thanks, Papyrus." You laughed nervously. "Sorry for calling you so early."

"IT'S NO PROBLEM AT ALL, HUMAN!" He said with a smile and opened the door for you. He had better manners than half the boys at your school. "THE GREAT PAPYRUS WAS JUST GETTING THE SPAGHETTI STARTED."

You chuckled as you walked inside, meeting face to face with a shorter skeleton, just a little taller than you were. He wore this loose, blue sweater, a white t-shirt and black shorts, adorn with white lines along the sides. His feet was huddled with white socks and light pink, fuzzy slippers.

"So, Pap. This your date?" The skeleton chuckled, smiling with a wide smile and raising his nonexistent eyebrows. Shock hit you, causing you to turn to Papyrus.

Wait, what!?

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