Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Hey guys! So for those that actually read this far, Thank you! I really appreciate it. And I'm sorry the story has been really slow and I'm trying to quicken the action so, thank you for being patient!

Also, if there's any suggestions, criticism, or anything for this story, please tell me!Anywho, thanks for reading and please enjoy!


You and Sans both made your way over to Grillby's. It was a pleasant walk and you couldn't help but blush at almost every word and gesture he did. It seemed like everything he did was just couldn't understand why but it was enough to numb your head from your guilt.

It wasn't long until you guys made it to Grillby's. That's when things got a little hyped... Sans chugged like three bottles of ketchup and somehow balanced ten hotdogs in your head.

"Trust me." He said with a smile and was in the process of placing the 11th dog upon your head. You didn't know why you trusted him with was bad enough to that you were practically vibrating from shock and excitement. Everyone in the bar was laughing and cheering you and Sans on as his hand got closer to the stack of hot dogs. There were even bets for how many you could have on your head, but all were soon shut down as the dogs came tumbling down on your head.

It was a fun three hours, switching between actually working for the debate and messing around but, it was soon time to pick up Pap. Saying your goodbyes to the monsters and humans inside, you walked out, being followed by Sans.

"What just happened?" You laughed as you turned to face Sans, watching him shut the door. He just shrugged with a chuckle, causing the nerves to bubble within you. Control yourself! Why are you so nervous...

"I don't know, kiddo." Sans said as he took a hold of your hand. You froze in surprise, feeling your face flush from the immediate contact. Scanning his face, you caught sight of light blue blush upon his cheekbones. "We kinda have to teleport, kid."

"Oh, haha. Right." You laughed, feeling the shock upon you melt away yet, deep down, happiness nested itself within your stomach. His boney fingers felt surprisingly comfortable in your hand, which started to make you scream internally. My god. You're only holding his hand, (y/n). Chill. Please.

Meanwhile, Sans just shrugged and covered your eyes with his other hand like he had earlier that day.

"And...we're here." He muttered, now letting go of your hand and lifted his hand from your eyes, revealing the crowded school. There were students and monsters walking out and about, talking excitedly.

"SANS! (Y/N)!" Papyrus came running front the school, leaping over a bench as he did so. "HELLO! THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS HERE!"

He smiled, posing dramatically as he did. You smiled as you and Sans greeted the skeleton and started following him to his car.

"Why don't we just teleport?" You asked as you walked along with Sans.

"Gotta make sure Pap is safe. Besides, we gotta get the car home...before we get too
tire-ed!" He chuckled, causing you to laugh along with him. Papyrus must've heard the small commotion because he started to groan and scold Sans for his terrible joke.

"Hey, (y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice call out your name, causing you to see Hailey running right up to you.

"Hey." You greeted with a smile. "What's up?"

She took a couple exhausted breaths and glanced up at you, now noticing the folder in her hand.

"Oh! Well, I have your make up work from the past two days and the assigned position that you're debating for the FMC." Hailey said as she smiled happily and handed you the folder. You felt your eyes widen in surprise as your hands held the thick paper.

"You didn't have to do this!" You smiled in thanks as you inspected the papers. There was a slip of paper, titled with FMC Debate.

"Well, it's the best I could do. Anyways, how you feeling?"

"Alright. Just a little sore." You said, now feeling guilt start to prick at you. Brushing off the idea of your mother, you shrugged as you felt someone start to tug at your shirt.

"Hey, kid. We gotta go 'cause Pap is getting annoyed from all the waiting." Sans said, causing you to flush from embarrassment. Nice one, (y/n). You just had to get Sans to come get you like a fricken five year old.

"Oh shoot." You chuckled nervously as you turned to Hailey. "I gotta go. I should be back on Monday though!"

When you scanned her face for any expression, you found that she was smiling a devilish grin. Her eyes eyed down Sans and then back to you, causing your cheeks to blush a more vibrant red. She better not get any ideas...

"That's alright. See you then!" She grinned and walked off to catch up with a couple monsters. Sighing in relief, you followed Sans to Pap's car and slipped inside. Sans followed in right behind you, which was surprising because he normally sat in the front.

"Aren't you gonna sit in the front?" You asked with a laugh, trying to mask the all-too-familiar butterflies...they were starting to feel normal from all the little, frequent moments with Sans. He just smiled and pushed you lightly to move over.

"Nah, kiddo. More space back here."

So he sat down next to you as Pap started the radio station. Music started to play throughout the moving car, causing you to start humming along with the song. You knew it well, practically memorized the entire thing.

"So, how was school, Pap?"

"IT WAS OKAY, BUT I GOT A 'B' IN MATH. HOW COULD SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME HAVE SUCH A BAD GRADE?!" Papyrus started to rant on about math and how difficult the class was. You couldn't help but giggle lightly...math was actually the easiest thing for you. Everything just clicked in that class.

"So..." Sans started with a huge grin. Papyrus, sensing his intentions started to glared through the mirrors.


"...we could say that nothing really adds up in that class."

"OH MY GOD." Papyrus started to sputter again from frustration, causing you to laugh.

"Hey, Pap. I could help you with math, if you need it." You said with a smile and started going through your papers for the FMC Debate.


"Yep." You pulled out the paper and started to skim the page, trying to find what position that you would be filling in.


"Just let me know when you want me to help." You giggled as your eyes found your position.

Counter Argument and Conclusion - (y/n)(l/n)
Given Time: 15 mins.

"Oh crud." You muttered and sat in shock. Counter Arguments were...well violent. They took up so much time, it was hard to even get a conclusion in the time span. Wait....15 mins? Didn't Alex say that I was in there for only 10? Ugh, whatever.

You hardly cared at this point. You had the counter argument and conclusion. Done.

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