Chapter Four

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"Thanks for taking me out to Grillby's!" Those were the last words you said to Sans before dropped you off at home. He smiled and winked.

"Yeah, it's no biggie, kiddo. Just come over whenever you like. Pap and I won't mind."

The scenario kept playing within your mind, almost hypnotizing you. It's as if someone had placed a spell on you, ruining your focus on anything but him. He just seemed so chill and.....

Okay. Stop, (y/n). Go to sleep. You need it.

You scolded yourself and plopped into your bed, finding that it was nearly 11pm. The lights where off, so it was just you and the dark. Laying in the dark, you could feel the images of the skeleton play within your mind. Like how he had thrown his hand at Pap...or how he chugged an entire bottle of ketchup at Grillby's.

You closed your eyes, trying to feel sleep take over. It came slowly, allowing your mind to wander.

What are you doing to me, Sans...

It took some time, but you eventually drifted off to sleep.


"(Y/n)." Someone said your name...but you didn't recognize the voice and saw no one around you. Only darkness.

"Who's there?" You called out, hoping for an answer.

"That's not important. What's important is what is soon to happen." They whispered near your ear, now hearing the rasp and glitch within their voice. You didn't feel afraid but, very uncertain.

"What's going on?" You asked slowly, unsure of what to expect. They seemed to move around whatever room you were in. There was a faint sound of buttons, suggesting there was a source of technology nearby.

"The fate of all monsters and humans are in danger." The voice said with a crack. It seemed to occasionally change in pitch. You raised your eyebrow in suspicion.

"What do you mean?"

"My time is running short. I'm sorry, (y/n)." It seemed frustrated as the sound of button mashing got more intense. "I will see you tomorrow night. Please be safe."


You woke up to the sound of the alarm going off. There was a faded sound of the shower running.

Dad must have today off. Better get going.

You sat up, turning off your alarm and rubbed your eyes. The dream you had was still running through your head but was quickly forgotten with the sight of your backpack. Suddenly, your head was attacked with yesterday's experience with Sans.

The butterflies fluttered about your stomach at the thought of him. His smile. His face. You suspected that you liked him, but you weren't ready to accept the reality yet.

" have to chill, (y/n)." You murmured to yourself and started getting ready for school. Everything seemed brighter and happier than usual...odd...

You heard your phone vibrate from your desk. It was charging, now with a full battery. Checking it, you found that Pap had texted you.

••••Text Messages••••

Pap: Do you need a ride, human?

You: 2 school?

Pap: Of course!


You paused and glanced up at the wall in front of you. I mean, that's not a bad idea....and what if Sans is there to?


You: Tht would be gr8 actually.

Pap: Okay then, human! Be ready in ten minutes. We will be there!

You: oki!



Glancing down at your phone, you started to feel unnecessary excitement bubble within. Sans may be coming and that gave you a rush of nervousness. Quickly, you got ready and walked out to the living room, just waiting for Pap to say he's outside.

Your dad walked in wearily, making his way to the kitchen. You greeted him, he just grunted and started to make his coffee. There was a red mark on his left arm and cheek...concerning you.

"What happened to your arm?" You asked curiously. He stopped and sighed.

"Your mother and I got into a heated fight last night. I'm surprised you didn't wake up." He said quietly and started to prep his drink. Blinking in surprise, you stuck your phone into your back pocket and walked over to him, inspecting his injury.

"About what?" You asked cautiously. He shook his head in disappointment.

"Long story, short...she finally confirmed her opinion to side with the execution of monsters."

"Oh my god." You breathed out, feeling shock freeze your actions. "Why?"

"I don't know." He shrugged limply. "She's been watching a lot of debates recently and she believes that the DMs have it right."

"But they don't!"

"Exactly. She doesn't get it." He muttered and shook his head with a sigh. "Look, (y/n). I need to be alone for a bit, so please don't bother me when you get home later, okay?"

"Y-yeah." You stuttered, surprised by his request and stepped back so he could get back to his room. You felt like you just got slapped in the face....your own mother now has different beliefs than you and your father...the tension was intense.

Your phone buzzed. With a quick flick of your hand, you found that Pap was literally just outside. With a last glance into your dad's room, you left the house. Your eyes met up with Pap's car and a couple of other monsters in it.

There was no sight of Sans, which disappointed you, but you found a beautiful, white goat sitting next to Pap and an armless dinosaur in the back. Next to the yellow dinosaur, was a kid that looked oddly familiar. It didn't take you long to realize that this was Frisk. The Frisk. The one who brought the monsters to the surface.

"HELLO, HUMAN!" Pap greeted and told you to hurry inside the car. You found yourself next to the armless dinosaur, who had a small bag cooped up between it's two legs.

"Yo! Who's this? Are you human too?" He started to blurt out questions, bubbling with excitement. Laughing, you answered all of his questions.

"My name's (y/n) and yes, I'm human."

"That's awesome!" He seemed amazed and started to chatter. Frisk giggled and waved to you shyly.

"Hello! I believe I didn't get to introduce myself yet." The goat said with a gentle voice. Her thin, grey glasses made her seem like a teacher. "My name is Toriel. It is very nice to meet you!"

"Good morning. It's nice to meet you too!" You smiled as Pap started the car.

"NOW TO DROP YOU OFF, TORIEL! TO THE SCHOOL!" Pap smiled happily and drove off.

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