Ending: Pt. 1

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A/N: Hello, everyone. So, I guess this is going to really be it. I mean, content-wise of course. I'll be typing out some clarifications after this last part is over, but you know, that's not really part of the story. Well, hey, I'm so happy that you guys are all still here after all this time and honestly, I feel guilty for ending this before it was supposed to. But, I'll try my hand at this once more. So, thank you all that's been here until now. I love you all. <3

By the way, be aware, this ending may not end how you guys may think it will. I made my summary quite vague, so be ready. If you dare, proceed.


"(y/n)! 3 o' clock!" Sans yelled out, causing for you to quickly react to his warning, barely dodging a knife. Just out of the glimpse of your eye, you saw someone charging after him from behind. Only instinct and adrenaline was pumping through you at this point.

"Sans! Seven o' clock!" You barked and began to fire at the incoming assailant. Hitting the offender, you felt the skeleton snatch you around the waist and teleport away to another portion of the battlefield.

Today marks the 30th day of straight war. People have been killed in front of your eyes; people you've cared about. People you knew. You watched as everyone you knew began to change over the course of time over this battle. Toriel had been more protective over Hope and Asriel, even being pushed to the edge of murder to make sure no one had harmed her two precious goats. She wasn't the motherly goat that you first met anymore. She was more terrifying than that. Asgore was her only sense of humanity at this point, but even he wasn't the same anymore. He was more commanding, more blunt than before. He would punish you if something went just out of plan. To be honest, you'd be lucky if you were only punished. There were rumors of what he's done to those that never came back. Undyne had become the biggest killing machine that anyone had ever seen. There was even an incident where she had kill some of our own. That day, she had killed so many, her face was caked in blood, so with impaired vision as well as blind rage would cause her to manage that. Alphys lost her sense of empathy and had designed more than enough weapons to keep up with the war. Every night, she stays up just designing more and more weapons to out do the humans, even going to the extent of learning the human mind...hands on. Those humans never came back. Mettaton had worked his way into the battlefield, also growing more and more violent everyday. Even at the base, he'd snap at anyone who got too close, injuring them. Papyrus, even someone as innocent as himself, became cold. His personality became tainted, and like Undyne, became a killing machine. Everyday, his ego would grow, almost to where it became dangerous to stay around him. Sans was the only one who could keep him from going to his full potential. Through it all, Sans still saw hope and if he saw hope, so did you. So with him, you fought, and with you, he fought.

To be completely honest, you didn't know what you were fighting for at this point. You knew that the obvious idea was for the monsters' rights and for their stay, but is this what you wanted? A fight? A war that tainted all of them? Did you really want them to win anymore? You didn't know, but you fought anyways because you believed that this would be a phase.

"(y/n)! Two o'clock!"

"Sans! Eleven!"



This would go on for hours. Sans would scream out a number. You would dodge. You would scream out a number. He would dodge. Both of you have killed before. It hurt, the first time you did, but over time, you became terribly desensitized to it. Now, murders were just a number. In war, everything was just numbers.

You blasted here, he blasted there. Sometimes, together, you'd both roast someone, eyes flaring. It was a beautiful thing, to see your right eye just flare again. The red flame would dance with the blue, creating a relationship. A troubling, and stunning relationship.

Now, it didn't matter anymore. You were just so used to it all, at this point, why not fight?

Sans and yourself grew closer than anyone around from all of this, but what ended this all would be the moment Alex decided to step in. He had blasted his own magic at yourself and Sans, landing a full-blown shot at Sans. You couldn't believe it.

At this, you let rage control yourself as you charged at Alex, tackling him upon surprise, and beating the living hell out of him. It felt good to feel his nose shift under your fist, the blood now spattering across his face and your fists. He groaned from the pain, and for a moment, you felt the cold reality hit you.

"Shit." You swore and tossed Alex aside, now rushing to Sans. The skeleton was laying in the dirt, chipping away with all the smoke and dust.

"Sans." You felt your eyes widen in shock and disbelief. His hand was clutching onto your's and his eyes were watching you carefully.

"Heya, sweets. Don't worry about me, okay?" He managed a shrug as more of him began to break, causing you to claw at him, now desperate. He kept rambling. "Know that you are a great girl, and I want you to move on, alright?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." You held onto what was left of him. "You're not leaving me, you bastard."

"Look at me, Sweets. I'm done." He grinned and sighed. "I'm sorry."


He forced his way to kiss you lightly on the lips.

"I love you, (y/n)." You saw him shed a tear just as the rest of him shifted into dust. This couldn't have hurt you more. It was unbearable to know that he was gone, so, you cried. And by doing so, everyone suddenly stopped fighting and it fell quiet. Your breathing became uneven, uncontrolled as your mind tried to process what had just happened. Energy of your aura was just around you and what was left of Sans, and immediately, you knew a solution. The only question was, would you commit to it?

Is that even a question?

Clare died from this. That's all you knew, but what was life without him anyways?

You began the process. First to pull out the soul, which was painful. It's like having someone pull out your heart from your chest. Second, sift the magic and humanity apart. Again, this was painful too. Imagine having your body ripped in half slowly. Very slowly. Yeah, it was like that. Lastly, let the magic go and you did. The grey heart immediately crashed into the pile of Sans' dust, causing the impact to create a cloud. It didn't really matter, after all, you were exhausted, but you watched as the particles surround the heart and recreate Sans. It was just like how Toriel was brought back, but only with Sans. To your surprise, he came out okay and you were more than happy to see him alive.

Hugging him, you cried out again, and he hugged you back.

"Why would you- Why did you do it?" He croaked, looking deep into your eyes. You responded with the only answer you knew.

"Because I love you."

And those were the last words you said for a long time.


To be continued.... :3

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