Chapter Fifty One

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You felt the pressure of magic release from your body as Sans teleported, and dropped into your old room. Silence seemed to have been the loudest thing you both heard; had it not been for Sans' sudden cough, you both probably would have been silent forever.

"Sans?" You felt concern immediately rush into you as you saw him quiver a bit, seeming a little weak. He fell into you, causing your eyes to widen as you caught him. "Sans!"

You immediately back up into the bed, hugging and holding him close. Looking down at his skull, you found that he appeared quite sickly.

"Oh my god." You pulled him onto the mattress, pushing yourself against the neighboring wall. You then dragged him so his head was cooped under your head, allowing it to be easier to hold him. "Sans? Dear? Are you okay?"

You couldn't help but feel your voice shake in worry. His hand began to move, twitching a bit, up along your waist, using you for support.

"(y/n)...Sweets?" He then turned to look up at you, his eyes meeting with your's. He was obviously terribly ill and you couldn't help but feel responsible for his lack of health. Immediately, you wrapped your arms around his skull, your lips pressed against his forehead.

"I'm so sorry!" You breathed out, feeling a tear fall out of your eyes. The drop fell from your face, forcing you to continue your rant. "I know I should've been smarter. I know it's my fault for you being like this! I'm sorry!"

"Sweets?" Sans coughed again, now sounding worse than before. He worked his body to sit upwards so he could face you. Placing a hand on your cheek, he lifted your head to meet his gaze. He placed a gentle smile, his eyes shining brightly in great relief and happiness. "There's nothing to be sorry for."

"But...You're like this...and-"

"I'll be fine." The skeleton smiled and stroked your cheek lovingly. "And you're alive and safe...That's all that matters."

You couldn't stop the tears from falling. They danced down your face, causing you to choke in guilt.

"Hey, hey." Sans scooted himself closer to you and held you close to him. "Shhh....It's okay. I'm still here."

Words lost themselves in your phase of emotions. You could only cry and hold onto him tightly, feeling his embrace around you grow a little firmer.

"Sweets. It's okay. You couldn't control what happened...All that matters is that you're okay." Sans placed a kiss on your forehead, pressing gently against the surface. "Let it out...I know how terrifying it must have been."

He rubbed your back and kissed your tears away, eventually bringing you to sniffles. It almost broke your heart. How could he still be so caring and mentally strong enough to comfort me? He's so sick...

And there was still that lingering guilt that was planted in your stomach.

"S-Sans?" You forced your voice to work, straining it in the process. Breaking away from him, you looked up at him.

"Yes, my Sweets?"

"How can you bring yourself to a state like this?" You croaked, feeling the impulse to break into more years grab at you again. "It's been four fricken months...and you're so sick! Why didn't you just forget about me?! I'm so stupid anyways, and for letting you get to this-"

"How could anyone forget someone as beautiful and great and darling as you?" Sans said simply, looking at you gently. He coughed again, now trying to mask the illness. "And you're not stupid. You're a brilliant girl. Look at you! You made it back here-"

"Chara brought me here."

Sans paused.

"Well..." He pondered a bit. "You still made it back without any serious injuries-"

"I failed once trying to get here."

"We all make mistakes-"

"And getting yourself this weak is one of your's!" You didn't know why you were telling at him at this point. You just felt bad...guilty for being the reason that he was like this.

You mind began to cloud up, tears drowning out your vision. In shame, you adverted your glance from his and looked down at the bed.

"Sweets..." He sighed and took a hold of your hand. "You are something that I refuse to give up."

He must have picked up that you weren't going to return his glance, so with a cough, he continued.

"Listen to me, (y/n). You're precious to me. Come here." Sans wrapped his arms around you again, causing you to whimper in refusal. "I don't care what you say about you being so 'useless' or 'dumb' or 'stupid'. You need to understand that you're something special. You're gorgeous and smart. You're such a blessing to have, and having you here now is more than I could ask for. You hear me?" Your eyes met up with his, silently challenging his claim. He must have picked up onto your intentions, because he let out a soft smile and caressed your cheek.

"I love you, (y/n). And if I have to go to the ends of the world to prove it, I will." He then stated you deep in the eyes and started to lean in slowly. The skeleton pressed his teeth against your lips, causing for those sparks to ignite in the midst of your lungs. He was so soft and gentle, you could feel your heart melt and your stomach commit to a somersault. The heat ran up your spine, causing some unknown feistiness to be quenched with you. You both broke away at the same time, quiet in awe.

"Sans...I'm sorry." You chuckled and hugged him. "I-I just missed you. A lot."

You felt his hand rub your back again, slowly working up and down in small circles.

"I missed you too, Sweets." He sounded relieved to hear that appeared better. Just from his tone, he seemed to have been getting better himself, and this caused happiness to fill your lungs. You both stayed like that for a long time, just letting the reality sink in.

You were home. Everyone was here. Sans was here. He may be sick, but he'll get better. You were sure of that. If you had to nurse him back to health yourself, you would do it. Determination began to rumble within you, ready to give to his aid. Looking up at him, you let out a smile.

"I love you, Sans." You said, pulling yourself closer to him.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." He chuckled lightly and slowly laid down on the bed, pulling you with him. He was sure to place you on his shoulder, that way he still had his free hand intertwined with your free hand. With this, he placed a kiss on your hand and smiled down at you. "I love you too, babygirl."

A/N: Hey, you guys! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! I've been busy on working on my Dancetale story, planning future stories, and school, so life has been chaotic here. XD (so sorry) But, I have some stuff planned for you guys, so don't panic, this story isn't done yet. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed! Have a good day/night! Thank you!

Love y'all! <3

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