Chapter Forty Eight

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A/N: Hey guys! So, I just wanted to say that I have my Christmas Edition story out! You guys could go check it out on my profile if you want. Anyways, thank you and have a nice day! Love y'all! <3

Silence followed you as your legs resumed to following Alex. Simon and Sury were also walking right behind you. It made you question why their presence was needed but you stopped your thoughts.

At this point, you were afraid to think. Anything that you thought of, Alex would hear it. It was annoying to have someone monitoring every single thing that you thought about.

But because it's physically impossible for anyone to stop completely thinking, so you found yourself scared, concerned, lost, and very confused.

Are you afraid?

You could feel what I feel too?

It's how I learn to understand people.

You didn't like the confidence in his thought.

"Four and Five, you two can leave now. I can deal with her from this point on."

"Are you sure, One?" Sury asked, tilting her head. The pale orb that floated above her seemed to have questioned his command also, despite having no face.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now, go." He muttered and continued his way your legs obediently following him.

Your ears caught their steps fading away, but just as your mind flowed to forget them, a loud crash rung through the quiet hallway. There was even a shriek of pain as you felt your head whip towards the sudden noise.

"What the heck is that?" Alex mumbled to himself as he rushed passed you. "Four? Five?"

Instead of a formal response, there was a hysterical laughter and the sight of blue magic zipping around wildly.

"You guys are so hopeless!" A familiar voice rung through the hallway as you felt yourself move towards the commotion. Alex was standing face to face with the intruder, frowning at the scene. Simon and Sury were in the air, tied with the blue magic rope things. The magic looked awfully familiar and gave you a sick feeling in your stomach. I don't like this...



Don't question me! Go now, or I'll make you!

You hesitated, but Alex shot you a glare, which caused you to start running in the opposite direction.

"Hey! (y/n)! Where are you going?!" The voice screamed out, but Alex seemed to have stopped them. You felt yourself continue without a proper thought. (y/n)? Is that my name?

You found yourself brushing off the concern and continued to retreat from the scene. It still wasn't clear of whether you had control over your legs or not, but you felt that it didn't matter. It seemed that your legs already knew where to go.

As you felt yourself turn to the right, something flew out of the walls, startling you. You yelped and fell backwards onto the metal flooring, now feeling fear fill your lungs.

The thing that had startled you seemed to have been startled itself. You now felt some familiarity towards it, quickly identifying it as the ghost that... you forgot how you met it.

"I-I'm sorry." It mumbled as silent tears fell out of it's eyes in guilt. As it turned to face you, it blinked in surprise. "It's you."

You froze from the shock, feeling confusion and fear drown out your voice. It floated closer to you, staying awkwardly quiet but, it watched you with observant eyes.

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