Chapter Thirty Seven

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You opened your eyes, expecting to see the subtle sunlight through the window. Instead, your vision opened up into darkness. 

"Greetings, (y/n)." There was the same voice that you knew too well. Chara revealed herself from the darkness, clutching onto her blue, sparking knife. Her eyes were a soft glowing red, making her seem even more creepy than she actually was. 

"What do you want?" You growled at her, suddenly realizing that this was nothing but a dream. She just giggled and approached you. Until now, you hadn't realized that you couldn't move. Your body was stuck in place.

"Just some answers that you would like to know." Chara chuckled and held out her pointer finger. She brought the finger to point to the ground, causing your body to move with her motion. You had hit the floor, and were allowed to move for a second. She instantly froze you in place and had you placed in the sitting position. 

"What answers could I possibly want from you?" You asked, glaring at her through pure hate. 

"Oh plenty, actually." The girl crackled and twirled her knife around her wrist. With a quick flick, she chucked the knife into your left shoulder, causing you to yelp in pain. The intense waves rushed through your torso and left arm. "Don't worry. You can't die in here; it's a shame, but that's kind of the beauty of it. I can torture you all I want and you can't do anything about it."

She shuddered in excitement. "Welcome to my special hell."

You felt something wet drip out your lip, which you assumed was blood. After all, you were biting your lip pretty hard. Chara seemed irritated by the lack of emotion that you gave her, so she continued.

"Anyways, I have a couple things to tell you." She laughed and flicked away a lost strand of her hair. She then walked up to you and squatted down so she was eye-to-eye with you. "I bet you want to know where your father went. What if I told you, he's closer than you think?"

Your eyes widened in surprise and hope, but hatred still kept you cautious. 

"Where is he?!" You snapped at her, but she only chuckled at your lack of movement. 

"What if I told you he's here with us?" Chara smiled excitedly, her insanity glistening in the pitch black. 

"You're lying!" You screamed at her. She shook her head, beaming in victory.

"No, I'm not." She chuckled childishly and stood up, taking a step back. Again with her finger, she directed your body to stand up straight. You continued your little rant, steaming at her crazed figure. 

"He's anywhere, but here! If anything, he'd be gone at some other base, trying to find me! I haven't seen him in almost four fricken months, but I know that he's somewhere-" You found yourself screaming in pain. Chara had reached over, turned the knife inside the wound, and jerked it out. She looked at it in satisfaction, for the blade was dripping in fresh blood.

"Shut up, idiot." She growled and snapped, causing her blue aura to hold her knife in the air. "Would you like to know the truth or not?"

You couldn't speak, but you managed to blubber out non-sensible words out of pain. She smiled.

"At least your quiet. I'll give you that much, but, for your father." She paused and allowed her smile to grow. "He's already dead."

You froze at the statement. Somehow, you felt that she wasn't lying but, your mind wasn't ready to just soak that in.

"He can't be." You growled and glared at her. "I know my dad. He's not just going to die from something stupid."

She grinned and held up her pointer finger, as if signalling to wait.

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