Chapter Three

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"WHAT!? SANS! NO! THIS IS (y/n). THE HUMAN I WAS TALKING ABOUT." Papyrus insisted, even though his face was flushed a light orange. You cautiously glanced back at Sans, watching him shrug.

"Oh. Hah. I thought you would have the guts to ask, but I guess I was wrong." He chuckled and winked at you, causing you to giggle. Papyrus started to yell from annoyance.

"SANS! NOT YOUR STUPID PUNS AGAIN!" He raged and picked you up, placing you on top of his shoulder. "THE HUMAN AND I ARE GOING TO MY ROOM!"

"Well, don't you have your spaghetti to cook?" Sans asked as he made his way slowly to the green couch. Papyrus paused and gently placed you back down. Sans grinned. "You don't want it to pasta-way!"

"OH MY GOD, SANS!" He slowly let the pun sink in and sighed. "I GUESS ON THE TABLE HERE IS OKAY." Papyrus said, uncertain with his words as he left to check on his spaghetti. You laughed and started to pull out your chemistry assignment.

"I really like your puns." You said, hoping to start a conversation. He seemed pretty chill and you were willing to get to know him better. Sans chuckled.

"Thanks, kiddo. I don't get that very often." He smiled and yawned. "So, what subject you struggling with?"

You bit your lip as you opened your binder, meeting your eyes with the D+. Dang it...

"Chemistry..." You mumbled, chuckling nervously ready for any scoffs or disappointment remarks. You worked your fingers around the failed test to grab your homework. "I have A's in all my other classes though!"

"Hey, it's okay, kiddo. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Let me see what you need help with. Heh, I may know a thing or two." Sans said with a reassuring smile and walked up to you. As you handed him the paper, you found yourself quite fond of him... And you barely met him, (y/n)...chill.

"So?" You spoke quickly, trying to push away your thoughts. "It easy?"

"Of course. I remember doing this stuff. It's pretty much just the idea of the boiling and melting process, just explained in more detail." He placed the paper on the table and pointed at a couple words. "See here, kiddo?"

You nodded, following his boney finger as he explained each concept. Slowly, the information sunk into your brain, understanding everything inside and out. It was pretty amazing how this skeleton knew so much...

"Any questions, kid?"

"How do you know all of this?" You looked up at him in awe. Sans just smiled.

"Well, when we were trapped underground, we had a similar school system and, well, I learned."

"Did you go to college down there?"


"I'm so confused."

"Heh. Sorry, kiddo. Just didn't go to college." He smiled and shrugged. You bit your lip and glanced up at him.

"Well, you can try here. I mean, you're brilliant!"

"Heh. Thanks, kiddo. Only problem is, even if I wanted to, I couldn't. They passed the law restraint on us so now only humans can go to college." Sans said. You saw the worry and sadness in his eyes.

"Now, don't get me wrong, I still wouldn't go even if they did somehow get monsters to do it. But, Pap...he talks about it everyday. How excited he is...if- sorry." Sans mumbled nervously and masked his uncomfortableness with a smile. "Just forget what I said, okay, kid?"

"Yeah, sure." You responded quickly, but deep in the back of your head, you both knew that wouldn't happen. "Well, thanks for your help! I actually finished this in record time."

You laughed, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere. You put away your homework with your backpack, finding that it was only 6:34pm. Time to spare, huh?

"No problem, kid. You can come over anytime you need help, if I'm not asleep, of course." Sans smiled with a wink and started his way to the couch. "Em..."

"Yeah?" You questioned.

"You need to be anywhere by any chance?" He asked as he jumped on the couch, now looking for the remote. You shook your head. Your parents were both out working and wouldn't be home 'till midnight. "Cool."

"Why?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. He gave up looking and glance you you.

"Well, knowing Pap. He probably will burn the spaghetti" He smiled and turned to the kitchen. Papyrus suddenly screamed in agony, causing surprise to flood you.

"MY SPAGHETTI! SANS! HELP!" Papyrus screamed. There was some bashing and clanging of pots and the splashing of water. Eventually, the smell of smoke reached the living room.

"Oh gosh." You mumbled in concern and started your way over to the kitchen to check on Pap, only to be stopped by Sans.

"Hold up." He said to you with a smile, obviously planning something. Curious, you turned back to the kitchen, waiting for the upcoming event.

"SANS! CAN YOU GIVE ME A HAND!? PLEASE?" Papyrus yelled.

"Yeah, bro. Hold up." Sans chuckled and popped off his right hand and chucked it to the kitchen. You shook your head in amusement and started to giggle a bit.

"OH MY GOD, SANS! SERIOUSLY?" Pap yelled and tossed the hand back. "NEVER MIND."

Pap then stomped out of the kitchen, suddenly glancing at you as he did so.

"OH HUMAN! IM SO SORRY! MY SPAGHETTI IS RUINED." He whined sadly. You just smiled at him.

"It's okay, Pap."


"Hey, Pap." Sans stood up and walked over to Pap, carefully pulling him to the kitchen. You couldn't hear any of Sans' words but Pap talked quite loudly so you were able to pick up small parts of their conversation.




Pap walked out, with Sans right behind him, smiling his normal cheeky smile.


"So..." You started awkwardly. It was just the two of you, and that felt a little unsettling but, deep down you craved this.

"Heh. Come on, kiddo. We're going out."

"Wait, what?" You felt chills crawl up and down your back as your cheeks turned a light red. Why are you freaking out, (y/n)!?

"We're going out to Grillby's." He laughed and opened the door for you. "Let's go before it gets too late."

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