Chapter Forty Nine

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A/N: GUESS WHO'S BACK?! Yep! Me! Another part for you lovely readers! You guys have so much coming up in the next couple of chapters, you guys don't even know. Haha, but y'all are gonna have to wait to find out. (Hah!) Anyways, thank you all for waiting patiently, and I hope you all enjoy! Love y'all! <3
Walking though a forest is one thing...But walking through snow is another. It was so cold and icy, you couldn't help but wonder why your fingers didn't just fall off. The wind was sharp enough to give aches to your arms and legs, sometimes even to your torso. And this was only in the first couple hours of travel.

Yet, you were determined enough to see him again. Anything that was thrown at you, you were willing to get pass by any means necessary.

Chara was currently working through the snow, also shivering a bit, but didn't seemed too bothered. The ghost, which you have learned to be Napstablook (he'd prefer being called Blooky), was quiet, but he tagged along after you mentioned something about Mettaton. Clare was silent the entire time, occasionally grunting from jumping over logs and rocks, etc.

By nightfall, the air was cold enough to kill, but Chara had been resourceful enough to find a cave and create a fire big enough to warm the three of you guys, so that was that. Clare had pressed herself against one of walls and fallen asleep, with Blooky (who shrunk to the size of your hand) sleeping on her head. You were sitting close to the fire, staring into the night sky, which was partly cloudy with dark clouds. Occasionally, you saw patches of stars that sparkled brightly in the winter sky. I'm going home...I'll be there before anyone knows it...

Your ears picked up the sound of rustling, which came from Chara who was moving around. She made her way to you, seating herself next to your body.

"You have a lot to learn." The girl muttered as she began to clean her knife. She had been able to hunt down a raccoon somehow, so the source of food wasn't really a problem.

"How so?" You asked, not turning to her.

"Well, you know nothing about the soul traits."

"Soul traits?" You turned to her, now watching her clean off her knife. Her cheeks were still rosy in the cool weather and her eyes didn't seem to sparkle in insanity. She actually seemed normal for once.

"Kindness, perseverance, bravery, patience, justice, integrity, and determination. Those are the seven traits that fell into the Underground, and those are the seven traits that are represented among the top seven magicians. Can't you see that?" Chara asked as she stole a glance at you. You bit your lip as you turned back to look at the sky.

"I guess you're right." You mumbled out mindlessly, now seeing that each magician did have a certain aura color, aligning with a specific soul trait.

"Alex with patience. Riley with perseverance. Blake with kindness..." She stopped listing and frowned a bit. "You know, not all of the top six magicians are for humans."

Perking up in interest, you whipped your head to Chara, finding that she appeared serious.

"Then why are they fighting for humans?"

Chara bit her lip and sighed.

"Alex." She paused, inspecting your face for a reaction. "It's all Alex."

"Of course it is." You growled and hugged your legs that were bunched up against your chest. "Who's under the mind control then?"

"Blake and Simon. I'm not too sure about the Nathan dude and Sury, but Riley and Alex are definitely for humans." Chara recited and checked her knife for any unwanted details. She found that she was satisfied with the cleaning.

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