Chapter Forty Four

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A full month since you've been stuck in enemy territoy. What am I doing here?

Shaking away the morning chills, you threw the blanket off of yourself and slipped a hoodie over your tank top. Sliding off the bed, which was against a wall, you noticed that the small basket (which was nailed to the neighboring wall) had a clipboard, scribbled with handwritten notes. Frowning, you picked up the board and skimmed through the notes, finding that they had been filled out by Riley, also known as the Two.

According to her analysis, you had been diagnosed with depression, which you weren't too surprised of. After further skimming, you saw that she didn't have a probable, logical cause for your unstable emotional state. This slightly irritated you. Simon could tell you.

Tossing the clipboard back into the pocket, you slowly walked your way outside, reporting to morning roll-call. Upon instinct, you stuck your hands into the pockets of your hoodie, causing a stab of heartbreak to impale your fragile heart. By now, you learned to suck in the tears, but it still hurt. Where are you?

Sighing, you kept walking through the lonely hallways allowing memories to pass through your mind. You missed everyone. You missed feeling safe. You missed him. It hurt to say, or even think his practically brainwashed yourself from ever mentioning it. But, you kept his figure and personality. Probably the only thing that kept you sane.

You squeezed your eyes shut, allowing your head to pull you back to reality. You do this everyday...stop doing it. You're just hurting yourself.

Shaking your head, you tried to distract yourself from him and by entering the cafeteria room, which was where roll call was taking place, you found that there was more than just a simple distraction waiting for you. As soon as you walked in, you saw that everyone's eyes were glued against your body in pure hate. No surprise.

Everyone here hated you for what you believed in, and it was quite terrifying yet, you knew that they wouldn't hurt you. They couldn't. For one, whoever was running this stupid base, would let you beat the crap out of whoever provoked you. Second, if they did and functioned well enough to walk, they would be punished by the head person/magician.

Basically, you were untouchable and protected 24/7.

"Seven, you here?"

You turned towards the stadium that was placed just north of the cafeteria, finding Sury taking care of roll call.

"Yeah." You muttered and watched as she began to record your appearance.  When she turned her head up to take the next name, you turned to leave. Normally, you never appeared late for roll call, let alone, leave right after your name was called, but no one ever stopped you and it became a habit.

You walked out, retreating from the multiple stares. It was quiet again, and you were more than happy for such an atmosphere change....except fricken Simon had to ruin it.


You were brainwashed to refer to the other top magicians by their number.

"Yeah, Five?"

"You have to report to the board."

You groaned.

"I did this just yesterday. Why would the board possibly want me?"

"Something to do with your emotional problem."

"You mean my depression?" You asked, feeling as dead as possible. Simon seemed to have hesitated, but he nodded. You shrugged. "Lead the way."

He sucked in his cheeks and started his way through the hallways, allowing your ears to hear the light 'clanks' of his feet.

You both walked in silence for a good five minutes, so it made you jump when the sound of the alarms went off.

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