Chapter Fifty

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The next morning was unsettling from the previous night's news. You couldn't help but break a couple trees and rocks. Everyone was silent, and it wouldn't be until just after noon when Chara said something of significance. She slowed to a stop and peered into the distance.

"Looks like this is as far as I could take you." She muttered, causing you to turn towards her.

"What do you mean by that?" Clare finally spoke, her eyes full of hope. Chara turned to her, flipping her knife.

"What do you think I mean by that? Just past that boulder over there is just in range of the Cali base. As soon as you step over there, you guys will have people coming to get you like there's no tomorrow." She muttered, causing you to perk up in excitement.

"No way!" You started towards the boulder, only to have Chara snatch your arm before you took off.

"Hey. I didn't say if you could leave or not, did I?" Her tone was harsh, but it wasn't going to phase you. You've been in the monster base for what, four months? Who does this girl think she is if she's going to threaten you like that?

"What do you want?" You spat at her, causing a smile to creep up her lips.

"I want you to know that something's coming after you. The humans will be back to get you and you better be ready." Chara grinned and forced you to the ground, causing Clare and Napstablook to come to your aid.

"What the heck was that for?!" Clare spat, but Chara ignored her and smirked down at you.

"But I need to know something else."

"What?" You gritted your teeth in irritation, ready to fling yourself into this girl. She knows I'm desperate.

"Tell me." She crouched down so she as eye level to you. "Is Toriel pregnant?"

Your eyes widened in light confusion at the random question.

"Yeah." You said, raising an uncertain eyebrow at her. Chara chuckled, now letting her instability get to her. Her hand began press against her face, almost as if she was pondering over something.

"I should have known." She crackled a bit into laughter, causing Clare to pull you up.

"We have to go." Clare muttered to you, ushering for you to get up. You followed her gestures and slowly made your way away from Chara. Blooky followed not too far behind.

"Replacing me, I see!" Chara sputtered into laughter, her red eyes flashing from insanity. "We'll see about that."

You watched as you saw the girl turn and walk off in the opposite direction into the shadows, her stride seeming unstable. As she left, your ears could pick up the giggles of her voice fade into the darkness. You were stuck into a trance. What did I just do?

"Let's go home, (y/n)." Clare said to you, causing you to nod in agreement. Turning to her and the ghost, you let out a light smile.

"It's been too long. Wanna run all the way?" You asked as Clare smirked at you in a challenging glance.

"I'm more than willing." She laughed, causing you both to break off into a sprint towards the base. It felt as if freedom finally hit you. Homesickness was truly getting the best of you as you both ran. It wouldn't be for another half hour until you reached the base, but it was worth it. As you both rushed into the clearing, people began to rush out, almost as if they knew you were coming. None of them were in your mind though. Where is he?

Just as you thought that, someone embraced you, causing you to hug them back. Digging your face into his sweater, you found that it was him.

"Oh my fucking god, Sweets." Sans broke the hug, looking at you with tears in his eyes. You couldn't help but start crying yourself.

"Damn it." You sniffled and took him into your grasp, where he also hugged you tightly. You diagnosis of homesickness was lifted as you felt his teeth press against your head.

"I missed you so much." Sans croaked out, causing more tears to fall out of your eyes.


"Back the fuck up." Sans lashed out at the voice, causing you to turn and see Matt there, his eyes full of concern. He flinched at Sans' comment.

"Dude. I just want to see if she's okay, dammit!"

"Touch my queen, and you will die." Sans growled at him, sounding almost possessive. Queen? I like it.

"Your queen? You must be hallucinating." Matt groaned and reached for you, causing Sans to pull you away from his reach. He flared up in rage this. "LET ME SEE HER DAMN IT-"

You felt as someone grazed your shoulder, causing your glance to catch the wrist of Clare. The hand reached towards Sans, causing the purple teardrop-like jewels to shift to blue.

"Matt, back the hell up." She growled at him, causing a hand to slap her across the face.

"I didn't ask for you to interfere, did I?" He snapped at her and tried to get past her, only for a wall of bones to block his path.

"I didn't ask for you to approach them, did I?" She snapped back at him, her eyes now black, but her left eyes glowing blue, similar to Sans'.

"You dumb bitch! Get the hell out of my way you desperate piece of shit!" Matt then went for a punch, only for Clare to dodge it and force a kiss on his lips. You couldn't help but flinch in surprise.

What the heck?

She pulled away from him, now with thick, blue saliva stringing from her mouth. Matt was in a similar state of mind, only seeming to have more fatigue. He immediately fell to his knees, appearing quite weak.

"Desperate piece of shit? You're going to call me that after all I've help you with? After all that I gave you!" Clare was now crying as she wiped away the blue from her lips. "You think you're so cool cause you got one person to like you! Me! I would be the only one that would give you a damn, fucking chance in this place and you just go ahead and crush it like it's nobody's fucking business! I'm fucking done! I hope you die in the worst way possible!" Clare was breaking down in front of your eyes as she choked a bit on her own tears. "You dumb bitch."

She turned to the crowd, now unable to control her emotions.

"Someone get him to the infirmary. He's gonna die of some ghost shit if you don't." Clare croaked and teleported away, causing the crowd to turn to you, but Sans had the same intentions and teleported away with you from the scene.

A/N: Welp. This was short. Sorry you guys, but I really wanted to get this part out. I'm sorry if it sounded rushed. I'm going to be busy over the weekend and I'm starting my Dancetale book so yeah. Haha, thanks for reading though! I hope you all enjoyed! Love y'all! <3

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