Chapter Forty Three

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"Interesting how she's holding on, don't you think?" One of the scientist pointed at a 3-D diagram of a human being.

"I guess. I mean, from the look of it, she might actually live." Another woman, about two or three years older than yourself, answered her question. You figured she was a magician due to the robotic arm she had. She also had short, brown hair, similar to a boyish cut and from the look of her ragged tank top and shorts, she looked skilled in engineering or wielding.

You didn't really care about who or what they were talking about. All you wanted was for this nightmare to be over, but it's been a week and life wasn't getting any better.

This entire time, you've been encased in the glass cylinder that Simon had taunted you through and you were more than pissed at the magician for playing with your trust. Sury had made an appearance once or twice a day with her Blake-friend, who happened to be the Number Three.

"What would we do with her if she lives?" The woman with the cyborg arm asked, stretching herself out.

"Preserve her energy. After all, we may need her for," There was a pause. "emergency purposes."

The door opened and you saw Simon walk in.

"Hey, twerp." The brown-headed girl taunted with a smile.

"Hey, Riley. How's your day been?" He asked, sounding oddly polite.

"Alright. You want Seven?" She asked, gesturing towards you.

"I need to teach her a couple things, so, yeah." 

You didn't respond. Instead, you let sadness drain your energy and pulled your legs close to your chest. What was the point? You had no reason to respond to a traitor like him, and anger would only provoke him into teasing you more.

The glass wall around you opened, allowing fresh air to fill your nose and lungs. Eye-to-eye you faced Simon, ready for his nasty words to break you. His dark hair was thoroughly combed and blue eyes were soft with understanding. At the look of his eyes, you felt anger flare at him. Before he spoke, you lashed out.

"Don't pretend that you understand what I feel!" You growled and kept the tears from falling. All you felt was a longing. All you wanted was to be back with Sans again. To feel safe. 

Simon sucked in his cheek, and that Riley-girl stood by, observing both you and Simon's movements.

"Let's go." He muttered and gestured for you to follow him, which you did. Wherever he was taking you was probably better than the glass limitation that you've been stuck in for the past week. You found yourself breathing deeply, in order to regulate your tears. "You seem emotional."

Simon stated, turning back to you. 

"That's not like you-"

"Like you care." You spat sarcastically. He sighed and shook his head.

"You don't understand yet." 

"Why should I care about your story when nothing matters anymore?" You asked him. "I'm nothing but an object to you."

He seemed to have been hurt by your bitter words, but he kept his mouth shut. Eventually, he brought you to an open room. It appeared to have been just cleaned. Simon took a couple steps and allowed you to keep a couple feet distance away from him.

"Look, (y/n). I know and understand that nothing matters to you, but you may learn to care later."

"Where are you going with this?" You spat, feeling anger and annoyance start to nag at your heart. 

"There are some properties of your magic that you are unaware of and it has come to my attention that you need to know about it." He stated simply. 

"So...what is it?"

"Did you know that your magic allows you to recover from the loss of- let's say...- an arm?" Simon asked, raising an eyebrow.  Had you been in the correct state of mind, you would have been utterly confused, but your emotions were dead. You didn't care.

"That's great to know, thank you." You muttered out blindly. Through your cloudy, dead mind, you were able to make out the sympathy in his eyes, but you weren't going to trust him. Not after what he's done to you.

"Sit down, (y/n)." He sat down on the floor, gesturing for you to join him. You obeyed. After some time, he finally spoke up again.

"Look, I had a whole day of information for you...planned out and it was going to be great. I had calculated and analyzed your every move and reaction...I figured that by now you would be okay. But obviously, I underestimated something when I brought you in here." He mumbled and looked at you. Oh? What is it, Oh great wise one! Tell me!

Finding that you wouldn't reply, Simon continued.

"I didn't realize or filter in your emotional attachment to Sans into my analysis." Simon concluded and shook his head in disappointment. "Today was the day that they would give you freedom around the base as long as you didn't wreck anything. Obviously, you're too emotionally unstable right now."

"What'd you expect?" You asked, feeling anger bubble within you. "For me to be perfectly okay? You took advantage of me, Simon. You brought me into this wretched place when I was at my weakest. You know better than anyone here that I love that skeleton and I will fight for what I believe in." You raised your voice and began to stand up. Tears were rolling down your face. "I don't think you understand just how close I am to Sans. He was my strength, my confidence. Now that you've deprived me away from him, I'm a hopeless being. No one here can make me do what they want. Not now, not ever."

You turned without another word. Simon let you leave the room and wander into the unknown base. It was different from the Cali-base that you have gotten so familiar with, but that didn't matter. You were practically sobbing from your own words. Heartache was all you felt. More than anything, you wanted Sans to just come get you and wrap you in his arms. You needed him to tell you it's going to be okay, but where was he?

Mindlessly, you turned another corner, bumping into someone, finding it was another boy. He was about three years older than yourself, but you soon recognized him as Blake...also know as Three.

"Oh, hey! You're Seven-"

You started to break down, feeling the weakness in your legs as you felt tears begin to fall out.

"Don't call me that..." You choked out, feeling a sense of hopelessness press down against you. 

"Sorry! I didn't realize that you were that sensitive!" You heard him blubber. "Come on, now. I won't allow anyone to see you! At least, not like this..."

He led you into a room of some sort. You had to admit, it was pretty cozy.

"Just sit down here, I'll get you a blanket and some tissues." Blake said quickly, rushing around to get the items as you sat down on a bed of some sort. He rushed to you, wrapping a blanket over you and handing you a box of tissues. He also had some warm water with him, which he gratefully handed to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice full of concern as he checked your forehead for any abnormal temperatures.

"No." You whined and shook your head hopelessly. 


A/N: HEY. I am back from the dead! bday literally just passed and...yeah! I finally got a part through...haha. Updates will still be slow, but I should pick up a little faster, maybe two parts per month. I apologize for the suck-ish part, but I've been reading the recent comments, and now I'm beyond motivated to entertain you guys! I promise that these will get more entertaining, so don't worry! It'll pick up! Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Love y'all!

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