Chapter Thirty Five

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A lot can happen in three months. Maybe too much.

To start, your aura had taken the shift of colors to a beautiful red. You had the capabilities of even more than you imagined. To sum it up, you had your original powers, plus the ability to manipulate any type of magic yet even now, you were still learning. Clare had taken the steps to teach you how to work with your magic, sometimes by hand-to-hand combat, or in this case, magic-to-magic. She was surprisingly strong, which would explain why she was the head of the all the magicians in the base and a part of the board. To this day, you still couldn't beat her but, she was the only competition at this point.

Your monster friends had also been working to contribute to the security of the base, and helping anyone in need. Papyrus and Undyne had been great at offensive battlefield strategy, making their way easily into the military board. The only difference between the two was that Papyrus had a lower position than Undyne, due to his innocence and overly positive thinking. Alphys had worked her way into the science department, specifically taking up the fields of health, technology creation, and monster and human psychology. She always seemed afraid to talk about some of the "creations" she had made, even though it seemed that everyone but yourself knew, so you left her alone on that subject. Instead, you moved to ask Sans, who said that she had built some monsters known as the "Amalgamates" in the past. You picked up a negative vibe from those words, so you remained silent about the entire subject. Meanwhile, Gaster had made his way into magic studies and health. He had been a great help towards the current scientist towards the functions of a magic spell and other things concerning magic. Asgore and Toriel moved towards the nursing field, which meant that they watched over and cared for children and babies. Toriel would normally take up the role as a cook for lunch and dinner, but lately, she's been a little sluggish due to her growing stomach. Asgore, on the other hand, had grown to become one of the leading role models in the base. Because he was their former king, many monsters still respected him so the humans among the base had him on the board as the monster's representative. Frisk had been able to help by running around to deliver messages and packages around the base. She had become pretty quick and agile due to her actions to dodge the incoming people and to make things even more interesting, the board had predicted that her abilities could match up with any spy by the age of fourteen...which would be two years from today. Flowey tended to stay in Frisk's room and from what you heard, he just stared out the window and sit there. You questioned why he was so dead all of a sudden, but you chose not to worry. Mettaton had treated himself by becoming well known among everyone. Somehow, he was able to motivate everyone to keep having hope, regardless of how dark times got, so he was nicknamed 'Cali's Mascot'. Sans, through his lazy self, had somehow made his way into the spy department, working around to gather information. Sometimes he'd leave to do fieldwork or hack into computers and other technical devices. Now, all bias aside, he was the best. Something had caused him to work faster and more efficiently than anyone else to gather more and more information on all the magicians and the board flourished off of all his findings. And honestly, it was hot to see him work.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Clare called out your name. You blinked, now breaking your stare away from the window.


She lightly shook her head in disappointment and looked up at you expectantly.

"Do you know how long I've been calling you?" She scolded and pointed to the map on her desk. "This is important!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" You bit your lip and rushed up to her, looking down at the huge map.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. Whatever." She held her breath and and started to explain the entire situation. "You know how the humans were making a move towards Salt Lake City?"

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