Chapter Five

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"So, for the Free Debate..." You muttered to yourself and opened Alex's folder, scanning his notes. There were a couple of good points to argue but how you were going to convey them to the audience was what you were really worried about. Frowning, you let your head sink and fall onto the table.

Honestly, there was just too much happening right now. The debate was in a month. Your mother probably hates your dad. You needed to lift your chemistry grade. And just to add to the list, you couldn't stop thinking about Sans. Could things get any worse?

Shaking your head, you tried to focus on the assignment in front of you. Okay, come on (y/n). You can do this. Just get through this hell and it'll be alright.

"You doing alright, (y,n)?" Hailey, one of your debate partners, came up to you and sat down. Chuckling out of nervousness, you glanced up at her.

"Honestly, no." You almost felt like being sarcastic but you held off on that. You hardly knew her and you can't have anyone thinking negative thoughts about you right now.

"Stressed out?"


"You could just resign and I could find someone to fill in your spot." She murmured nervously, staring past you. Oh. Hah, that's what this is about.

Turning around, you saw the tall, light brown headed boy working on some posters. His arms were full of paint supplies and markers. Despite the plain face, he had a very creative mind.

"Max is a terrible debater." You said to her, causing her to blush a bright red. She readjusted her thin glasses and twirled her long, blonde hair.

"I tried. Heh." She chuckled placed her folder on the table. You laughed. Though you hardly knew her, you knew she liked Max. Everyone did.

"It's alright." You smiled out of amusement and leaned your head back on the table, letting out a sigh as you did so. Hailey's face flashed with a sense of concern.

"You really aren't up for the debate, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not. But I kinda told Alex I would do it." You said with a sigh and started to doodle on his folder. She squinted at you suspiciously, quiet for a moment.

You didn't really notice how long you two sat there and you were kind of glad for the spent time. Your mind started to slip from reality, now fully grasping the idea of Sans and his little self. The way he walked, swaying gently and lazily as he did so. His voice, low but not too deep. The way it rung as he explained your now sounded like music to your ears. His boney finger gliding over your paper as he pointed out some vocabulary...somehow it was perfect.

"You like him, don't you?" Hailey asked, causing you to break out of your trance. You jumped a little, feeling your cheeks blush a little.

"W-what? Who?" You stuttered as she smiled. Scared, you adverted your eyes from her confident expression and down to Alex's folder, finding a small, doodled figure. It didn't have a face yet, but it was wearing a jacket and shorts. Oh my god.

"Alex. You totally dig him!" Hailey giggled. You looked at her oddly and suddenly started to chuckle.

"That's who you were talking about?" You laughed and placed your pencil on the table. "Haha, no. Not Alex."

"What!? But you just- You just got all flustered." She bit her lip and started to pull out a paper of notes. You shrugged and felt your phone buzz.

You pulled out your phone, finding that Pap texted you. Earlier that day, you had asked for a ride and he was already outside. It's already 6:30?! Crap.

"Hey, Hailey. I gotta go." You laughed nervously. Quickly, you closed the folder and pushed in your chair.

"That's fine. Hah, I have to leave soon to anyways. See you tomorrow?" She proposed. You nodded.

"Let's actually get stuff done tomorrow." You laughed and took off.

Running out, you saw Papyrus and Sans in the car. Sans was sleeping, with his hood over his head and Papyrus was waving his hand excitedly.

"HELLO, HUMAN!" He greeted and unlocked the car doors. You giggled a smile and jumped inside. Closing the door gently, you heard Pap try to wake up Sans. "SANS! WAKE UP!"

"Give me....five more minutes, bro." He mumbled and fell back to sleep. There was a slight rasp in his voice. He was so cute...adorable. You almost couldn't help it.

"Lemme try, Pap." You smiled and leaned over towards him.

"OKAY THEN, HUMAN." Pap backed up towards his own seat to allow you to have access towards him. With your right hand, you reached over tug at his loose sleeve. Your hand shook in excitement; it was ridiculous.

"Hey, Sans." You smiled, trying to conceal your internal screaming. His head seemed to have made an effort to look up at you but he fell back to sleep again. The butterflies raged within you as you leaned in towards his head.

"Why are skeletons always so calm?" You whispered to him, with a growing smile. You saw his left eye open slowly in amusement and his smile grow a little.

"I dunno. Why, kiddo?"

"Because nothing gets under their skin!" You laughed, hearing Pap start to groan in disgust. Sans chuckled and looked back at you.

"That was good, kid." He smiled. You beamed at the compliment and sat back down, proud.

"Thank you, Sans."

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT!" Pap cried out in frustration, but you were way too hyped to care. The nerves in your face were screaming to go crazy but you held yourself back with every ounce of will you had.

"It's okay, bro. Let's get her home." Sans laughed as Pap hit the gas and drove me to my place. We all laughed and sang along with the radio stations that Pap played. It was pretty fun actually, with Pap trying too hard, Sans barely lifting his voice, and you actually knowing the songs. It was a crazy mess.

Eventually, Pap brought the car to a stop in front of your house.'s pretty early.

Walking out, you thanked Pap and said your goodbyes. Soon enough, they were gone which saddened you. You really liked them both. Even though you guys barely met yesterday, things seem to be pretty good.

But Sans...heh. I don't even know anymore...he...he's really something...

You smiled weakly and stepped into your house, hearing the silence. Something was wrong.

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