Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Hey guys! So uh, funny story... Someone stole my phone recently and it'll be a while until I get a new one. Until then, I may not post as often to my usual schedule of posting every other day because I have to resort to my computer. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you all for being patient! Please enjoy! 


It was a restless Tuesday and Mettaton was blowing up your phone. He was still trying to convince you to go on his show even though you already declined going on Friday. Quickly, you thought over your options and decided to do it. Maybe he'll finally leave me alone about the whole idea.

You were currently working on your counter argument, but you found your mind with a lack of focus. That little 'Sans' doodle on Alex's folder wasn't helping either. Shaking your head, you started writing down something on your notes, hoping to somehow recollect your thoughts. Hailey and your other debate partner, Brandon, seemed to have noticed your frustration and started to question you about it.

"You alright, (y/n)?" Brandon asked as he lifted his head from his papers. He was taking the role of the main debater so he had a lot more work to do.

"Yeah." You mumbled as you started to scribble down more notes, not exactly sure what you were writing. Come on, you have to start focusing. Yeah, Sans could be your future husband but seriously?! He's not going to have much of a future if you keep doing this!

"No you're not." Hailey said as she snatched your pencil out of your grasp. "You like him, don't you?"

"Huh?" You found yourself blushing, bright as a tomato.

"That skeleton. The one from Friday. You like him...what is his name...Sans?" She hit you spot on with his name. Words started to tumble out of your mouth, spilling the entire situation to her. Brandon just sat there, his eyes blinking in confusion.

"...and we almost kissed this past weekend." You muttered to her in conclusion, remembering the pocky challenge. She started to squeal like a eight year old and rush up to hug you.

"Oh my god! You guys should totally hook up!"

"Guys? We don't have time for this-" Brandon started only to be cut off.

"Brandon! Think about it!" Hailey exclaimed excitedly and snatched up Alex's folder.

"Think about what?"

"If a human can fall in love with a monster, and a monster with a human...oh! They have the same mentality! They can feel like we can! They can think like we can! Oh my god!" Hailey started to point at the small little 'Sans' figure. "They can fall helplessly in love like we can..." She murmured dreamily. You were shocked at her sudden conclusion, but you had to give her some credit. It was actually quite genius.

"That's...actually...not a bad idea." Brandon said as he pushed in his glasses and started writing down the new idea. Through a weak smile, you felt your phone buzz, which you suspected was Mettaton. Quickly, you pulled it out to check the message, suspecting a short little text of his 'thanks'. Your eyes met with a different fate.

••••••••Text Message••••••
Mettaton: Um, darling? Have you seen Frisk?

You: No...y?

Mettaton: She didn't go to Toriel's classroom after school today and Toriel is really worried...everyone is starting to get a little rustled up...

You: ...hav you tried callin her?

Mettaton: She's not responding.

You: wtaf? I'm gonna go look for her

Mettaton: Okay...ill go inform the others...just call if you see anything...please ask around!

You: k

Stuffing your phone into your back pocket, you started to shuffle your papers together, making a messy little clump that was shut up inside Alex's folder. The other two looked at you in confusion as you started to make your way out of the room.

"Hey guys, something just came up...I gotta go. Sorry. See ya tomorrow!" You forced a smile and rushed out before they could say anything to stop you. You started to speed walk, trying to get out as fast as possible, only to break into a sprint. The sudden news of Frisk's disappearance didn't seem right. Frisk just wasn't like that.

Charging into the doors, you made your way outside and started towards Toriel's school. You gripped your folder as the wind started to whip against your face. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong.

There was another buzzing at your phone, which you immediately responded to. You answered so quickly, you didn't even know who you were talking to.



"Sans?" You asked as you walked hastily along the streets, making sure to scan every nook and cranny.

"Yeah, you know about Frisk, right?"


"I just got a call from her number..."

You stopped dead in your tracks. "Wait, what?! Is she okay?"

"Yeah...but she's not alone." His voice quivered. It was odd to hear him like this.

You were stuck with shock. "W-what?! Who is she with?!" You were so close to screaming into the phone.

"I-I don't know. They said something about you and the monsters- I don't know!" Sans started to stumbled a bit. "I'm having Alphys track the phone right now, but everyone else is looking for her. Where are you?"

You scanned the area for any idea of where you were actually at. "Almost in downtown."


"Sans, I got something." There was the timid voice of Alphys in the background. "The call was taken towards the south side of downtown....on the streets Acorn and Music."

"Okay." You breathed out in understanding, hung up, and started sprinting towards those coordinates. You were the closet to that area, you knew that. Everyone was elsewhere or at Toriel's school looking for the young girl there.

Taking a sharp turn, you scanned the street signs. Acorn and Music.

Searching the surroundings, you found nothing that was out of place...except for the lack of people and the eerie silence. Slowing down to a cautious walk, you walked up to the street signs. Why is it so quiet?

The sound of a phone ringing crushed your thoughts, causing you to flinch from the sudden noise. The ringtone wasn't your own...which made things creepier. Looking around, you tracked the noise to a nearby bush and stuck your arm into the leaves. After rustling around for a bit, your hand caught hold of a small phone which, coincidentally, belonged to Frisk. The number calling it was an unknown number... No caller ID.

You answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello, (y/n)."

You blinked in sudden fear and shock, turning suddenly to check the area again. There was no one in sight.

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