Chapter Twenty Two

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"And everything is just falling apart." You murmured in conclusion and pulled in your legs towards your chest. Sans nodded in understanding and looked at you.

"And everything will be okay." He said with a hopeful glance. You shook your head doubtfully.

"The stress of everything is just insane..." You growled and shook your head. Should I tell him? Everything?

"I know it's a lot, but you'll get through it." Sans said with a smile. That killed you...could I really do it?

"I don't know, Sans. I haven't even told you all of it." You muttered and sighed. Just tell him. 

"What do you mean?"

"It's a long story."

"I have time." 

"Okay then..." You bit your lip, wondering where to start. "Well, about three weeks ago, I've been having these dreams and these dreams would take me to the Underground. I would always wake up in this lab with this really tall, skeleton-" You paused. "Gaster. You know a Gaster?"

You already knew the answer to that question. How could he not know his own father?

His face froze in surprise and disgust. You bit your lip nervously as he glared off into the distance, past memories skimming through his eyes. "Yeah, I know the guy. Not the worst fellow."

"Okay...well, he knew about my 'defect'," You pulled off your eye patch and tossed it to the floor, "and he started to teach me how to use it. He also started to teach me how the concentrations of Human Determination works. I went to his lab every night."

"Okay." Sans pushed at you to go on.

" About a week after I met Gaster, I was somehow sent to the actual Underground instead of the lab. I saw this girl and flower fighting." You started to squirm at your past stupidity as you began to tell him what you had done. "When I saw the flower ready to, what I thought was, finish the girl off, I interfered with the attack-"

"You what?!" Sans grabbed a hold of you, causing you to yelp.

"Y-yeah... I-I thought she was going to die! I didn't know that she was insane!" You blurted out at him, trying to defend yourself from his stare of disbelief. His eyes softened with concern and understanding.

"Are you okay?" He started to lift your hands to inspect them for any scars of pain. You nodded and adverted your glance away from him. He's so scared for you...why?  I'm just a hopeless being.

"Keep going." Sans muttered and let your hands drop to the couch.

"Well, the girl started to choke me and the flower defended me from her." You mumbled quietly as Sans' grip on you loosened. "His name's Flowey, if you know one."

"I know them both, perfectly well. The girl's Chara?"

You nodded and continued your rant. "Since then, Flowey's been showing up at Gaster's lab. Guess you could say he's been helping me..."

"Is that all?" 

"Well, just last night he told me what my 'defect' actually is." You started, biting your lip. "I'm one of the last magicians left in this world. Apparently, I'm one of the keys to banishing the monsters away again."

You both were silent, allowing guilt to flood you the sudden realization.

"Sans. Frisk was kidnapped because of me."

"Kid, don't say that-"

"You almost died because of me." You stood up and turned to him, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. It stung your right eye, but you didn't care. You almost killed Sans...this skeleton that you cared for and loved so much. How could I be so irresponsible?

"(Y/n)." He stood up also, proving to have a few inches of height over you. Without warning, he gently wrapped his arms around you. "Is it really your fault? You didn't even know what you were then. Besides, had you not been there, Frisk could have been dead."


"Shush, kid. It's not you." He cooed with a comforting smile and lifted a hand to cover your eyes. Within a couple seconds, you both were in his room. Grabbing hold of your waist, he led you over to his bed and slumped down into the mattress. With an awed glance, your knees were locked tight as you witnessed him stretch himself out a bit. Blush was starting to numb your cheeks as the nerves began to clash with the settling guilt. 

"Well..." Sans smiled up at you and kicked aside his fluffy blanket. "You just gonna stand there or not?" 

"Oh, what?" You felt the heat begin to skyrocket towards your forehead as his friendly smile moved to a cocky grin. Your stomach did a somersault and started to bubble uncontrollably as he gestured you over. "I-I mean..."

 "Come on." He smirked as his eye sockets turned black. "Or do I have to force you?"

"Well..." You were tempted to accept his invitation but you still had some grip on common sense. "I don't want to be a bother-"

"I'm literally asking you, kid. Come here." He laughed as he returned his eyes back to normal. With an outstretched hand, he grasp your wrist and pulled you towards him, successfully causing you to roll up against his chest. Blush flushed your entire face as you pulled yourself away from him, keeping a good three inches in between you two.

"S-sorry." You stuttered and flipped yourself upwards so you faced the ceiling. Out of this, he let out a chuckle of amusement and slipped both his arms under his head. 

"It's alright." He paused and sighed. His voice returned to the same serious tone as before. "Ya know, kid. You're under a lot of stress right now but, why didn't you tell anyone about this?"

You stayed silent, lost for an answer. 

"You have Papyrus and Toriel. And, I know you just met them, but you have Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton. Heck! You can ask Asgore or Frisk! You don't have to deal with your 'magician' stuff on your own. We're all here for you." Sans stopped and glanced up at you. "I'm here for you."

You froze at his words. Blush started to intensify as you started to feel your heart beating rapidly. He' for me... Why does that feel so MAYBE CAUSE YOU LIKE HIM, DIPNUGGET!

"R-really?" You looked up at him, trying to keep your composure. Everything was starting to swirl, your head loosing grip on common sense. Nervousness started to blur your mind as you tried to make yourself as normal as possible.

"Yeah, (y/n). Always." He blushed suddenly and turned away from you. His hands covered his face nervously, chuckling a bit as he did. You could hear him murmuring to himself, scolding his behavior. "Dammit, Sans."

"Something wrong?" You asked, sitting up with concern. He chuckled again and sighed.

"Yeah, actually. Just one thing-" He paused and raised up two fingers. "Well now that I think about it, there's two things that are bothering me."


A/N: Hey guys! Okay, so I know that I've been quite slow with updates and I will be from this chapter forward. I'm really sorry guys, but with my phone gone and my schedule becoming extremely tight from summer vacation, I may only be able to post once a week, which will most likely be on Mondays or Fridays (Pacific Time Zone). But to make it up, I will start making all my chapters a little longer and maybe, I'll post up to two chapters a day. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you guys for being patient with me! Love you all! <3

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