Chapter Nine

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You sat up, feeling the soreness in your body run through your system. Glancing at your alarm clock, you found that it was 6:21pm. You shuddered as you stood up and stumbled out of your room. Making your way through the hallway, the voices of your mother and father became louder and more violent.

"I can't believe you want them here! They're dangerous!"

"They are only dangerous when they feel any human in this world would!"

You continued your way along the hallway, just in time to see a pan fly across the room.

"Can you please stop throwing things?" You could hear the irritation in your father's voice. There was another crash of pots.



"THAT IS A LIE! LOOK!" You heard your mother turn on the television to hear the daily reports of the monsters.

"-there has been a number of casualties today..." The television went on, describing all of the harm done to humans from the apparent 'monsters'. It really made you pissed. It was probably out of self always.

You then heard the television shut off.

"What are you doing? Listen to the news!"

"None of those cases are even properly reported!"

"You still don't believe me?"

"No. I don't."

"Really?" Your mother's voice got oddly confident, sending an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach.

"Yeah. I don't believe that any of those monsters hurt those humans because they could."

"Even though your own DAUGHTER was involved in one of these disgusting events!"

You blew it from there. The way your mother just spat out about you saving M.K. filled you with rage.

"I was saving that monster!" You yelled at her as you stalked into the kitchen. You mother looked at you with a doubtful expression. "You have no idea how those guys beat the crap outta it!"

"Oh so your on your father's side? That monster didn't need saving! It was only one, and useless!"

"No, that monster's life was worth as much as any humans!" You screamed at her, wanting to slap her. You father started to pull you away from her, trying to calm the atmosphere.

"So are you saying that one skeleton shit didn't try to hurt those kids?"

"Mom!" You felt yourself pry away from your father and advance towards your mother. Anger bubbled within you. No one insults Sans like that...not without meeting him in the least.

"I am going to hit you so hard." You sputtered as your father pulled you back again.

"Control your daughter." Your mother spat at your father, glaring down at you. You wanted to slap her so hard. You can't just diss monsters because they're different. And talking fucking shit about don't do that.

"She's your daughter too." Your father said to her.

"No, she's not." Your mother slapped down some papers onto the kitchen counter, proud of her actions as she inspected us for any reaction. "I want a divorce."

Those words made all the tension drop. There was nothing to feel but the numbing shock as she slowly smiled in victory. Your father picked up the papers in disbelief and then looked up at your mother.

"O-okay. We need to talk about this-"

"I'm not happy anymore! And with you and this brat treating me like crap, I don't need anymore of your shit." She spat. You just stood there in complete shock. Are you really making this big of a step just to get your way?

There was a silence, which was broken from your mother's scoffing.

"I can't believe this." Your father spoke, throwing the papers on the counter. "You can't just leave, I won't let you."

"If you won't let me, I'll just leave and never come back. That way, I won't have to look at your disgusting face everyday." She spat and walked towards the front door. "I already packed and found someone better anyways. Oh?"

She checked her phone, which buzzed from a recent notification.

"Oh funny. He's already here."

She closed the door with a crash, causing the both of you and your father to freeze in shock. Your father sunk his face into his arms on the counter as you fell to the floor. What even happened?

You then felt your head go blank as you leaned your head against the counter wall. The both of you just stayed like that for awhile, only to be interrupted with someone knocking on the door.

"Um...hello?" It was a familiar voice...soft and gentle. You knew who it was, you just couldn't figure out the name. It was at the tip of your tongue, but the cloudiness in your head couldn't help you.

"Is anyone home? I wanted to check on (y/n) from her incident yesterday." She said, now with a hint of doubt in her voice. Your father didn't respond but you tried to stand up to open the door. Somehow, you knew that whoever was on the other side was going to be able to help you, assure you that everything is okay.

"Y-yeah...I'm h-here." Your voice quivered as you wobbled over to the door.

"Oh good! I also brought a friend with me. He was really worried about you yesterday." She chuckled a bit as you opened the door. You thought you heard her say something else, but it skimmed past your ears as you hugged her.

"My child? Are you okay?" You recognized Toriel's comforting voice as you started to cry, feeling the tears soak her dress. Her arms immediately embraced you, trying to comfort you of what tragedy had passed.

", Toriel... Nothing's okay..." You weeped, now feeling another pair of arms around you. Somehow, you immediately knew who it was.

"Hey, kid." Sans took you away from Toriel and held you himself as you cried into his jacket.

"Sans..." You choked out as your father met the three of you at the door. His face was streaked with tears as he tried to explain what had happened to the two monsters. Sans nodded, indicating that he understood what happened. Toriel, on the other hand, started to usher everyone inside.

"Oh dear. Let's talk about this inside." She said and entered the house as Sans carried you inside. He took you to your room as Toriel and your father discussed the task at hand on the couch.

"Shhhhhhh." Sans cooed, trying to calm your sniffles. You tried to quiet yourself as he sat you down on his lap. "It'll be okay."

His hand rubbed your back as you wiped away your tears, only to have more fall down your face. Seeing this, he wiped away your tears himself.

"Look, (y/n). Everything'll be okay." He assured, pulling you closer to him. "I'm sorry this happened to you."

You couldn't find your you just sniffled in response. There was a light knocking at the door, which soon was known to be Torial as she walked in and sat down next to the both of you. She whispered something to Sans, which he responded with a nod.

"I'll be right back, kid." He said as he sat you down next to Toriel. You whimpered slightly as he let go of you; it seemed as if every nerve in your body just wanted him to hold you again. Toriel hugged you, which you freely accepted with fresh tears falling down your face.

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