Chapter Seven

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It's been exactly a week since your incident with Gaster. During this time, he's been showing you how control your 'defect' and the mechanics of how the human 'Determination' works. Meanwhile, you've started to branch out to some of the other monsters, thanks to the help of Sans and Papyrus. You've actually been hanging out at their place more was pretty much your second home.

Shaking your head, you stared down at your papers and started to scribble out some notes. The monsters have feelings too...they can communicate and work like we can...they can love and hate like we can...why are they any different?

Determination started to bubble within you as you kept scribbling out your words and thoughts. They react similarly to humans. Like with love...they can be just as passionate...they're not dangerous...simply, they are like us.

You lifted your head up at looked at the clock, feeling yourself drift off into hopeless fantasies. Sans...he's killing you here, (y/n)! Focus, dammit.

You saw that the time was 5:56pm, almost time for you to go get your ride with Pap and Sans. Blankly, you stared down at Alex's folder. Alex...that little bastard. He hasn't been here once for the past week.

Since Alex had put his assignment with you, he never came back. It didn't worry you too much because he did mentioned being gone for something but, it didn't seem to settle right.

Biting your lip, you began to glance down at your papers again, hearing a sudden commotion behind you.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" The cry of a girl rang out...that was definitely Frisk. Turning quickly, you responded to her voice, seeing that she had a bruised cheek and dusty clothing.

"Frisk! What happened!?" You immediately rushed to her aid, seeing that her arm was bleeding from a cut.

"S-some random guys! They have M. K. (Monster Kid)!" Frisk yelled and started to drag you outside. You rushed to the outdoors into the parking lot, to see a couple of boys, armed with weapons, kicking and hitting the poor creature.

"Hey!" You pushed off one of the guys and pulled out M. K. He was nearly lost unconscious and with similar injuries as Frisk.

"Get out of here! This isn't your business." One of the boys said. They all were wearing dark hoodies, so it was hard to see their faces. You felt anger bubble within you as you stepped up to them. They may be physically bigger than you, but you had something they didn't.

"Yes, sir. This is! You can't just beat up this monster for no reason! You fricken jerks."

"Oh really, missie? Would you like to take it instead?" The guy closet to you yanked your body down to the concrete like a loose noodle and started to hit you with his baseball bat. You were hit once but dodged his second attack and stood up to face them. Surprisingly, the attack seemed to have been numbed. Another tried swinging at you, but you dodged that too. The flare within your eye began to spark, but you were tripped and faced against the concrete again.

"Say your prayers." The boy smiled and raised his bat to strike at your head. You covered yourself, hoping to protect yourself from the incoming blaze of attacks. You're such a coward, (y/n)! Just use it!

You got hit once on the side. This time it hurt. M. K. better be gone...Frisk better have him-

You got hit twice. The pain seemed unstoppable. -away...

You knew they were going to swing again... and you braced yourself for it, feeling the fear grasp your heart.

"SANS! THEY'RE ATTACKING THE HUMAN!" You heard the faint cry of Pap in the distance. You found your lip quivering in a mixture of hope and fear. S-sans? Help me...

There was a light murmuring of Sans.

"Oh? Some more monsters? Hah, you gonna save your little whore?!" One of them taunted. The others laughed in response.

"Someone is gonna have a bad time." You heard Sans growl. Peeking past the boys' legs, you saw Sans' eye sockets go black. His facial expression was scared you.

Slowly, you lifted his head to face the guy that made the 'whore' remark. He chuckled and took a step forward, suddenly appearing in front of him.

"Let's start with you." He smiled as his left eye flared a blue aura and sent bones to fly right at him. he like me?

All three of the thugs were sent running as Sans kneeled down to inspect you.

"We're going to come for you!" One of them yelled out as they fled. Sans just chuckled and allowed his normal, friendly eyes to return.

"Come here, kiddo. You really got beaten out there." He said as he started to pick you up, only to have you wince at the bruises planted on your now fragile body.

"Oh geez.." You breathed out in pain. Now the worry started to spread to his eyes.

"Sorry, kid." He tried again, now being even more gentle, handling you with great care. This time, you were able to hold your tongue as he carried you to the car. On the inside, your butterflies raged wildly.

"H-hey, Sans."


"Frisk and M. K. are in the building. Can you go get them?" You stuttered.

"I'll have Pap go get 'em."

"CAN I LOOK NOW, SANS!?" Pap called from inside his car. His head was dunked under the front window, so he couldn't see anything. Does Pap not know about Sans' power?

"Yeah, bro." Sans said and started to talk to Pap. Eventually, Pap brought in Frisk and M. K., both bandaged up by the FMC. People started to walk out, curious about the incident. Hailey rushed out to you, obviously concerned.

"Oh my god! (Y/n)! Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" You chuckled, feeling pain start to rush through you.

"Hey, look. If you need to recover, just take a couple days off. I'll be sure to explain your absence to the school too, if you can't for some reason. But, just get better!" She really wanted you to get better, but why.... Don't worry about it, (y/n).

"Thanks, Hailey." You smiled as Sans placed you in the car, sitting himself awfully close to you. The butterflies within you were really hyped, which made you extremely nervous, yet grateful.

"You almost gave me a heart attack, kid." He said as he flicked away a loose strand of (h/c) hair away from your face. You blushed at the sudden gesture.

"Well...." You started to loose conscious as you began to speak. "Oh...shit...."

And everything blacked out.

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