Chapter Forty Seven

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You felt yourself move mindlessly towards the group,with every step growing more unlike your own. He still had control over your movement.

"(y/n). How many times will it take until you learn?" 

Alex was looking upon you, his expression unreadable. You noticed something odd about him though. His eyes had a major color change from what you remembered. They were now a light blue color.

"How do you expect to keep her manageable?" Nathan asked, shifting his arm so the cage around Clare would strengthen. "You do know that she's the soul of-"

"It doesn't matter which soul she represents. I control her and that's all that matters." Alex peered at you and smiled. "Right?"

You felt his control lift off of your lips, allowing for your freedom of speech.

"Fuck you!" You spat at him, glaring at him with rage. "How could you do this? You sided with us! You debated for us! You even won arguments for us! What made you change your mind-"

Your freedom was now gone, causing for your lips to be closed shut. Alex didn't want to hear it. He turned to Nathan, eyeing down Clare.

"Take her to Section 8. She needs to undergo critical analysis and healthcare. Make sure that she can't and won't escape. There's no controlling her after what she saw today." 

Clare's eyes widened in fear as Nathan nodded and started his way out of the room. No!

Hope began to fade as your emotions began to cool down from anger and irritation. Was this not the right time? It had to be...Clare got out...that ghost played as a distraction... I hope it's okay.... Damn it, Chara!

Alex made eye contact with you, causing your focus to snap. Everything became suddenly foggy as you felt something start to file through your memories, opening even your most secretive thoughts with ease. 

Get out, Alex!

You were going insane from his nosiness. 

I need to make sure you don't break out again.

If you could, you would've hissed at him and murdered him on the spot, but with every passing memory, you felt your anger cool again. The memories of Sans, your monster friends, and your dad were enough to bring tears but none fell out. Alex's control over you was enough to numb your emotions.

Slowly, you began to loose yourself. Your thoughts were becoming even found yourself braindead.

You felt your eyes glance up at Alex, unsure of whether it was him or yourself that had called upon the action. He smiled at you, looking happy at what he had accomplished.

With mindless steps, you approached him.

"Tell me, (y/n). Will you ever attempt to break out again?"

Something caused your mouth to reply.

"No, sir."

The change in language didn't seem to alarm you, though it slightly irritated you.

"Good." Alex turned to everyone else in the room. "Two, I need you to go hunt down that ghost. It's probably somewhere in Section Four. Everyone else is to go back to their duties. I'll call you if I need anything else."

He then started off out of the room, with your legs walking not too far behind him. Why does this feel so wrong? What am I even fighting for?

You felt a light pang of urgency; you forgot what it was for and what it was about. All you knew was you were under control. It didn't feel bad...just wrong. Why can't I remember anything?!

That's just something you won't ever understand, Seven. That's your name now, understand?

You felt yourself hesitate. That feels wrong.

Do you know why?

You thought really hard about it. Why did it feel wrong? There was nothing bad about the number seven. Maybe because you liked your actual name- You felt your thoughts pause. What is my name?

Oh? Do you not remember?

Concern and a frantic craze zipped through your heart. Immediately, thoughts began to roll into your head again. How could I not know my own name?! That's ridiculous! I should know this like the back of my hand!

This discovery made you question what you knew and what you didnt. After some attempts to remeber, you found yourself in the dreaded conclusion: you don't know anything.

You don't remember how you got the current place you stood at, you don't remember the people you've met- heck! You can't even remember your own parents!

The only thing you knew were that you had one task to follow, and Alex was the only person that knew it.

So? Do you remember anything?

No...I don't...

Shame fell onto you like a blanket. How could I be so irresponsible!?

Which is why I am trying to help you. I can help you remember and we shall start with your name, Seven.

Something still felt wrong about it. You didn't know what it was, but it grew more noticeable as time passed on. But that's not my real name.

It will be temporary.

I don't like it.

Don't be a child.

You didn't like his refusal, but something immediately calmed your dislike, leaving that dead feeling that lingered in your chest.

It will only be temporary.

I still don't like it. Why can't I have a different name, like Rose or something?

You thought for a bit, just barely realizing that Simon and Sury were right behind you and Alex. It didn't concern you as what felt like a brilliant name popped into your head.

What about Sam?


Alex didn't seem to like it.

Yeah. It's better than a number.

You felt some sort of attachment to the name, as if some longing towards it. An intense wave of homesickness hit you.

"But I think this name would help me remember my memories." You felt yourself speak, feeling freedom fill your lips. Everyone, including Alex, was surprised at your statement. Immediately, your lips were clamped shut again and the whole idea passed through your head.

What just happened?

Don't worry about it. We'll get this settled later.


You felt some guilt as to not being cooperative, but really, more vulnerable due to the second loss of memory.

Yet, little did anyone know, Alex wouldn't be able to settle anything later.

She would.

A/N: Ahhhhhhh! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates and this short chapter! It's just been really busy and I've been feeling a little lazy, so a combination of both is really killing me here, but that's okay. Anyways, today is Thanksgiving and I've got to say, I'm really thankful for all of you that comment and vote. Even for those that just read, I'm thankful for you guys too! Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter. Next part, I'll try to make it extra long to make up for this one. ^.^ Thank you guys! Love y'all! <3

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