The Final Chapter

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A/N: Hey, everyone. I'm finally back from the dead! (yay) Um, so hey....I'm going to be honest with all of you, my interest with Undertale has officially blown over and it's extremely difficult to write a fanfiction about something you don't care about. And I'm aware some of you are really into this book, and I'm sorry. It's just, so much has happened for me in the past couple of months and honestly, that's not fair to any of you.

So, in order to make it back up, I'm going to summarize the rest of this book plot so you guys would know what happens. This is my longest and farthest book, and I want you guys to know what happens so at least you guys aren't just wondering what happens. Now sadly, I won't be doing this with my other book, for Dance! Tale Sans. My reason is, it's a newer book and it had a lot of developing to type. There are also many plot holes that need to be filled and that requires plenty of brainstorming.

So, before I proceed with this summary, I would like say thank you to those that read this far, and those that stayed with me for the past year. I appreciate you're loyalty, and I hope you all have a good day/night.

With that said, let's begin the summary.

Two days after (y/n) finds out about Clare and Soul Splitting, she is called to Clare's office, where she is abnormally full of health and energy, considering her condition in the previous days. Clare tells (y/n) about the current problem at hand, which is the fact that the Cali-base is surrounded with those that support the humans, as well as the top six magicians. Now, Clare has already began sending all of the women, children, and the elderly to an underground bunker that is hidden in the forest nearby. Everyone else is to defend and possibly fight with their lives because there is no getting out of this situation. At this very moment, alarms begin to go off, and Clare takes (y/n) to the next load of people that are being taken to the bunkers for safe keeping, but (y/n) refuses and wants to fight back. Clare knows she can't convince (y/n) to stay, so she just tells her "Don't die, or get captures at all costs."

So there is a fierce battle between the humans and monsters, and eventually (y/n) finds Toriel in a secluded room, just off of the main battlegrounds. She was unable to be transported to the bunkers due to her stubbornness and the sudden pain of her pregnant child. Her water breaks. At this time, (y/n) makes it her duty to protect Toriel at this time, only to be drawn away due to close capture. This chase goes on for the entire day, until nightfall when everyone is exhausted. Only magicians and monsters are involved now in the battle.

During all of this craze, Alphys develops a way to contain magic and basically capture magicians through controlling the magic flow within them (it's a lot like blood-bending). So, with this method, (y/n) and a couple other magicians are capable of capturing the Sury and Blake (Four and Three). Due to this loss, the humans and remaining​ magicians retreat, leaving a still silence. Then, there is a shriek, causing (y/n) to remember Toriel. She immediately rushed to her aid, to find Chara there, killing Toriel as she is holding the newborn child. (y/n) tries to rush in a save Toriel, but Flowey immediately steps in a kills Chara on the spot, catching the crying child. In all of this, Chara's consious is still alive and tries to grab (y/n) father's soul, only having Flowey beat her to it. This would allow Flowey to turn into Asriel.

Now, Clare comes in and to her horror, breaks down as Toriel turns to dust. Everyone is crying, and it's only a matter of seconds before (y/n) yells at Clare to use Soul Splitting to bring Toriel back. Clare reluctant at first, agrees and begins the process.

It's successful, and Clare brings Toriel back, who names her child Hope. She and Asgore are also overjoyed to see Asriel again.

A week later, everything seems okay, but as (y/n) visits Toriel, she finds the goat crying. When asked what was wrong, Toriel mentioned something about how worried she is for Clare. (y/n) promises to check on her, and brings Sans with her to look for Clare. Clare is nowhere to be found, so Sans suggest to look with the amalgamates. So the two go there, and they find Clare, bleeding out and at the brink of death. Her wrists are bleeding the most (where her jewels used to be). She dies that day.

The next day, Alphys determines that Clare's death resulted from the bringing of Toriel's life, which makes both Toriel and (y/n) feel terrible. Sans attempts to comfort (y/n).

As (y/n) recovers, she gains the determination to learn Soul Splitting, so she does. During the next couple of months, she also visits Blake and Sury. For the first time, Papyrus and Sury become close friends due to their similarities, except get into fights over which puzzle is better (between crosswords and junior jumble) and if ravioli or spaghetti are better. Blake and Sury become loyal to the monsters' side.

In the next couple of months, everyone starts to roughen up and team up with the Oregon, Washington, and Arizona-Bases in order to prep for another battle. There is rumor of more alliances among the humans, so this is all to get planned. In the meantime, (y/n) and Sans are almost never apart, so dangerously so, they almost do it.

Eventually, all of the bases come together to prep for the biggest civil war in history and basically, everyone goes at it for a while. This battle lasts for a whole month, going continuously day and night, gaining more and more men, as well as more alliances. People start to get tired and magicians are straining their magic. (y/n) and Sans are officially the most effective and successful duo, both even getting drastically injured at some point. But what triggers the end of the war is when Alex kills Sans and (y/n) strikes at Alex, killing him on the spot as well. At this, everyone seems to have stopped, meaning that Alex could have possibly controlled most of the people's intent, even the magicians. Sans died at the scene, and at this (y/n) commits to Soul Splitting, knowing the consequences.

(y/n) successfully brings Sans back, who is in the biggest panic for (y/n)'s life. (y/n) is now fully human, and she can't speak for the next week. All of the doctors struggled to keep her alive and consious, but within a week, they all lose her to a coma. She is alive due to a machine, and when Sans comes to visit her, he talks to her, and she wakes up on the bed.

(y/n) survives the Soul Splitting as well as the Second War of the Humans and Monsters.

A/N: And that's the end. Yeah...So like.....Okay, I've been thinking. I'll have a vote for all of you guys. So, I will write out one part of the summary and you guys may chose from the following.

A) The death/resurrection of Toriel

B) The death of Clare

C) (y/n) learning Soul Splitting, as well as Sury and Papyrus interactions

D) When (y/n) and Sans almost do "it"

E) The death/resurrection of Sans, as well as the coma of (y/n)

F) Custom choice (this is just in case I missed something)

So, when I decide to, I'll see which choose has the most votes. If there's a tie, then I'll choose my favorite.

But anyways, thank you guys again for coming this far and I hope you all have a good day/night.

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