Chapter Twenty Four

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The week flew by a lot faster than you had expected. Only the nerves of distress was dancing in your stomach as you arrived at the debate hall. Hailey and Brandon were adjusting their suits with steady faces, but you were a different story. Strands of hair were flying about your face. Your cheeks couldn't be more red and your hands shook like you were in the middle of Antarctica. 

"Calm down, (y/n)." Hailey laughed and playfully punched your arm. "Everything will be fine. Right, Brandon?"

"Of course! This is only one of the biggest events in the Monster-Human Debate. There will be hundreds, maybe thousands of people watching live and we're gonna be filmed on television the entire time!" He exclaimed with a huge smile, causing you to squirm. You felt like your insides were going to fall apart as Hailey began to scold Brandon. With quick, deep breathes, you turned away from them, shaking your hands to get rid of the tension. Why couldn't you just be here, Alex? Why did I agree to do this?!

As an effort to forget and loose your nerves, you began to trace what had happened the week before. What struck you first was the lack of dreams with Gaster and Flowey. They stopped last Wednesday, which was extremely odd, causing you to feel a little empty during your sleep. You told all of this to Sans, who also agreed that it was strange for them to just stop, but insisted not to worry too much about it. Then the whole "Chara" thing was killing you too.  Next, the whole texting thing from Mettaton was starting to creep you out also and every time you mentioned something about it to Sans, he started to stutter through his words and fumble around nervously. It was literally the most annoying thing. Then a couple days later, on Saturday, you got that text from Hailey saying that you were allowed back into the debate which meant that you had to go get a suit. Thank goodness you had Mettaton to help you with that. The days leading up to the debate were gone in a matter of seconds and you dreaded every moment of it. 

Now, you were currently standing on your debate stage, waiting for everyone to set up. Sans and the others had said their "good lucks" to you and had already taken their seat; funny story, they were watching too. You couldn't help but whine a bit as you searched the growing crowd for them.

"Hey, (y/n). We're starting soon." Brandon muttered and started to lead you to your seat. "Look, I know you're nervous, but don't worry about it. We're in the Free Debate, where literally nothing happens because everyone just yells at each other." 

He chuckled a bit and sat down next to you. "You'll be fine."

"Right." You muttered and relaxed your tense shoulders. I have to go last...I don't wanna go last!

The other team started to file in and take their seats across from your own team. They all took glances at you, now seeming a little disturbed. It made you feel a little self-conscious, after all, the whole deal from last Tuesday still hadn't cleared up. Hailey must have noticed your fidgeting because she started to glare at the other team. 

"Good evening, everyone!" The speaker announced, gaining the attention of the entire audience. "Welcome to the Free Debate for the Monster/Human Debate! Today we have, the FMC and the DM to battle it out and convince any of you to fall onto their side!" 

He continued his little rant, which started to rile your partners. You were left in a bundle of nervous shreds. The opposing team kept steady faces as they continuously observed your own, even whispering and sending odd glances at you specifically. It wasn't long until Hailey approached the stand to shake hands with her opponent, a girl with curled brown hair. With a strong, relaxed expressions, they both turned to the speaker for the cue to begin. 

"And remember debators," He let out a cheeky smile, "there are no rules in how to debate. There are no limits to language. There are no regulations. This is, after all, the Free Debate! Just make sure when your time is up, you respect your time limitations and return to your seat. You both may now, start!" 

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