Chapter Thirty Eight

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"According to the magic that Clare mirrored off of Chara and the story you told me, there's a near 100 percent chance that your dad was a magician too." Alphys muttered and rearranged her glasses nervously. You had asked the yellow dinosaur for an explanation behind the story of your powers, and she was quick to give you one. "Because he had the magic within him, it passed down to you. The reason why you're capable of Number 7 is beyond me though. Yes, your abilities are fully capable of fitting into being one of the strongest alive, but your father never trained or stressed his magical capacity. In other words, he would be considered weak."

"Oh..." You mumbled. You didn't feel anything, but the growing emptiness. It was saddening. "Cool...thanks, Alphys."

She tilted her head sadly and nodded. It's been about three days and you managed to get yourself stuck in an all time emptiness instead of an all time crying session. By now, all your friends knew about your father's death and knew to be patient with you for the time being. It kind of annoyed you, but you didn't have the emotion to address the problem.

"I-it's no problem, (y/n). Just ask me if you ever need anything." Alphys muttered and started fiddling with her hands nervously.

"Okay then. Well, I'll be on my way. If Sans comes here, just tell him I'm in our room." You murmured and turned to leave the quiet room. From behind your back, you could overhear Alphys' light mumbling, but you refused to strain your hearing to listen to her words. Stepping out of the lab, you threw your hood over your head and stuck your hands into the pockets of your navy-colored hoodie. Recently, you've been avoiding as much social contact as possible, mostly because they don't interest you anymore and everyone always asked if something was wrong. You never liked talking about your father's death so you kept to yourself.

Biting your lip, you hastily stalked towards your room, avoiding the incoming people. It didn't take much to dodge all of them, after all, it took only instinct to get out of the way.

"Hey! (y/n)!" There was that familiar voice that called you out, but you chose to ignore. Stiffening up your figure, you quickened your pace to get away from whoever was calling you. "(y/n)!"

You felt someone grab a hold of your shoulder, similar to how Hailey had done almost four months ago. This gesture caused you to wonder what had happened to the blonde headed girl, but quickly forgot about your concern at the sight of Clare.

"Gee, you walk fast." She mumbled and led you into a lone hallway.

"What do you want?" You snapped and glared at her. She was surprised at your bitterness and seemed hurt by your sudden change of attitude.

"To give you these things." Clare muttered and started to fumble around her own light green hoodie pockets. After a bit of fishing, she managed to pull out two thin plastic cards and handed them to you. "Look, I've heard about what happened from Undyne and I figured that you may have a hard time sleeping so, I got you a night pass."

"A night pass?" You asked blandly, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Yeah. It gives you the freedom to travel around the base during sleep hours so you're not cooped up in your room." She muttered hesitantly and frowned. You blinked and showed her the two cards.

"Why'd you give me two?"

"One's for Sans..." She murmured and sucked in her cheeks uncomfortably. Through your emptiness, you were able to make out a light flash of guilt in her eyes. A light sense of remorse washed over you, causing a weak smile to shake onto your lips.

"Thanks." You were able to blubber out, and stuffed them into your pockets. She nodded and stuffed her hands into her pockets, trying to decide what to do next.

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