Chapter Twenty Five

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The morning came and the day went by pleasantly. Too pleasantly. It kind of scared you, but you shrugged it off. You just figured that it was because of all that happened the day before. Because of the debate, you were allowed to skip today's and tomorrow's meeting, so you caught a ride with Pap and went home with him.

"I'M GLAD YOU COULD COME HOME EARLY TODAY!" Papyrus said as he unlocked the door and walked inside. You locked the door behind you and turned to the living room, which was filled with all your monster friends, except Toriel, Frisk, and Asgore. They all stared at you and then quickly huddled together.

"Um, hey, guys." You laughed and tossed your backpack next to the sofa. "What's happening?"

"Oh! Nothing, darling!" Mettaton smiled and stood up. "Just discussing tomorrow's event! It really is going to be quite fun."

"Well, if you want it to be fun, then why don't you tell me? It seems as if everyone knows about it." You asked as you sat yourself next to Alphys. She was typing rapidly on her little phone, muttering and squealing...kinda like she was trying to busy herself so she won't spill whatever was happening.

"ABOUT WHAT?" Papyrus asked, poking his head from the kitchen. He was tying together his apron, which had the words 'KISS THE COOK' in humongous letters. Sans chuckled as he let out a cheeky smile. You couldn't help but notice how out of place he looked without his jacket; it annoyed you.

"Technically speaking, if Pap doesn't know, then 'everyone' doesn't know." 

"Seriously?" You grumbled, causing him to shrug. Everyone giggled at your frustration as you shook your head and made your way towards the kitchen. "Fine. I'll just go cook with Pap-"

There was a sudden commotion coming from outside and then a banging at the door.

"(Y/n)! Dunkle! Someone!" That was the cry of Frisk. Everyone in the room sprinted for the door in sudden concern. You found yourself at the door first, which you pulled open revealing the young child and Toriel. Not far behind them was Asgore, who was defending the two from incoming rocks and thrown knives. There was a massive crowd that surrounded the front door, obviously angry and ready to kill. You pulled in the two figures in front of you and called Asgore. He immediately made a run for it and retreated into the house, which you quickly shut and locked.

"Darlings! Are you okay?" Mettaton and Papyrus were talking to Toriel, Frisk, and Asgore as Undyne blocked the door with the sofa and a nearby table. Alphys and Sans were checking the three for any injuries while you checked out the window for what exactly you were dealing with. There were people holding weapons ranging from knives to guns. They all were crowding around the house and banging at the door. Only confusion and concern swirled within your head as you backed away from the scene and looked over at Sans.

"What's happening out there, kid?" He asked as you bit your lip.

"I have no idea. There's like thousands of people out there and they want to kill us." You said to him as the voices became silent. There was the voice of a female through the door.

"Just give us (Y/n)!" She demanded, receiving a roar of agreement further behind the door. Everyone in the house stayed silent as Undyne fixed on her famous grin. 

"Fuhuhuhu! Over my dead body, punk!" Undyne laughed and summoned a wall of light blue, energy arrows. Everyone looked at each other nervously and dashed away from the door, waiting for anything to happen. You would've stayed to pry Undyne away from the incoming danger but you were snatched up and rushed up the stairs into Sans room.

"Sans?" You muttered and looked up at the skeleton who was jumping around the room towards the closet. 

"Kid. They want you, and I'm not letting them." He growled as you heard the front door being bashed open. There was now a commotion in the living room, with Undyne screaming out and people screeching in pain. You and Sans froze for a second and winced at the sound. Alphys, Frisk, Toriel, and Mettaton came rushing into the room, trying for a way out of the house. 

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