Chapter Twenty

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"Uh- okay..." You sat down at the edge of his bed and looked down at him, waiting for what he wanted to say. He took a deep breath and forced himself to sit up. He winced. "H-hey. Don't stress yourself."

You ushered him back to lay down as he let out a sigh.....

"Fine." He frowned and locked his eyes with your's. "Kid. I know about your...magic. I saw you use it before I lost consciousness."

"Oh....the 'defect'?" You couldn't feel any shock or confusion. The sound of his tone seemed to have suggested that he wouldn't judge you for it. For being different...

"Is that what you call it?"

You nodded in response and glanced down at your twiddling thumbs. There was a silence.

Within the silence, you felt yourself begin to zone out, watching everything begin to replay itself. The other magicians. The projectiles. Sans just, coming out of nowhere and blocking the attack. What did these memories lead to? Sadness? Rage?

You forced the thoughts away. Right now, Sans was top priority. could wait. Looking back down at Sans, you found that he had still his locked stare upon you.

"Uh...Sans?" You let out with a nervous chuckle. He just smiled softly and blinked himself into reality. His cheekbones became dusted with a light blue blush.

"Sorry, kid." He chuckled and proceeded to lay on his side so he was faced towards you. You felt your cheeks burn as your mind began to spiral, concerning his health.

"You should really go to sleep. You're gonna need it." You said as you stood up and reached over towards his blanket, which was towards his knees.

"I know." He seemed like he wanted to say something, but quickly held it back. You didn't bother to ask him as you pulled the blanket up to his chin.

"Okay...well, do you still want me here or should I leave? I really want you to get some sleep."

He seemed stumped.

"You should go get some rest too. It's late have school tomorrow." He said quietly and forced a smiled. "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. Sweet dreams, Sans." You smiled. For a split second, you debated if you wanted to kiss him on the forehead or not. Shaking your head, you only rubbed his cheek and turned to leave. Kissing him...that's for your own pleasure, (y/n)! You can't make him uncomfortable...that'll just be unfair...

You made your way outside his room, closing the door gently as you exited. Letting out a sigh, you turned to the couch, knowing that you needed to sleep yourself. Instead, you found seven curious faces looking up at you. Asgore, Toriel, Mettaton, Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus, and Frisk. All of them.

"So?" Undyne asked in a low voice. "The little punk okay?"

"I'm so glad he is." You breathed through a grateful smile and tumbled downstairs. Slowly, you made your way to the couch and flopped onto the loose fabric. Everyone sighed in relief and took a moment to collect their thoughts. Asgore walked up to you with a tiny, little cup in his hands. Considering his enormous size, it was adorable to see such a big creature handling such a small object.

"Here is your tea, (y/n)." He smiled and handed you the cup. You thanked him and wrapped your fingers around the warm teacup. He nodded, which was followed by a deafening silence.

"Y-you know...I hate to say it...but, I'm kind of surprised Sans survived." Alphys muttered as she pushed in her glasses, breaking the atmosphere. Everyone looked at her with a horrific glance, especially yourself.

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