Chapter Thirteen

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"Hello, (y/n)." Gaster's voice rung through your head as your vision cleared from the black surroundings. You had literally just fallen asleep after spending time with the skele-bros and you were already here. In the lab.

"Hey, Gaster. Sorry I didn't come yesterday-"

"It's okay. You didn't need to deal with me after what happened between your parents anyways." Gaster murmured with a comforting smile.

"Right." You nodded and noticed a potted flower next to him. It held a face...which you soon realized was Flowey.

"Well. We have to return to your training, if you're up for it." Gaster said as he started looking over his notes.

"She's going to die out here." Flowey spat and crossed his leaves in frustration.

"She'll be fine."

"Chara is coming after her soul."

"(Y/n) can defend herself."

"Really?" The Flower looked at you with a doubtful expression, now filling you with shame. You knew you couldn't use your 'defect' under the terms of stress...especially after your last 'visit' here.

"Show him, (y/n)." Gaster stated and flung a random table at you. You felt instinct kick in as energy rushed through your body and your eye flared the (f/c) aura. Your right hand was then surrounded in the same energy as you stopped the table from hitting you.

"Well." The flower raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you use that last time? Or even with those human idiots?"

You knew he was talking about the boys that beat up M.K. but you didn't have an answer. You just...well, didn't know.

"Wait..." You started as you gently placed the table on the floor. "How do you know that I was with those human idiots?"

"Easy." Flowey looked at Gaster. "He showed me what happened."

He then sighed in dramatic disappointment. "I can't believe you let Sans save you. He's literally the most annoying person ever."

"Okay. What?!" You felt yourself confront him out of sudden anger. The flare in your eye grew a tremendous size and the energy flow felt stronger than normal, but you hardly cared. "One, Sans is fricken awesome. Two, he's hilarious. Three-"

"Woah. Woah. (Y/n). I didn't know he meant that much to you." Flowey smirked a knowing smile and chuckled a bit. "Looks like someone likes the comedian."

The flower laughed with a taunting grin and started to make a figure of Sans' out of his white pellets. You bit your lip as you felt blush sprinkle upon your cheeks, but that didn't stop the flow of anger. Upon instinct, you created a small burst of energy and shot it at the 'Sans' figure.

"Shut up." You growled and started to create another sphere, only to be stopped by Gaster.

"Please calm down, (y/n)." He muttered as he finished scribbling down some notes. "I believe we have found a new...'skill' of your 'defect'. It appears to be energy projectiles."

"Noooo, really?" Flowey stated sarcastically as you felt yourself calm down a little. Gaster just ignored his comment and looked up at you, placing aside his notes.

"Can you try to shoot the chair over there?" Gaster asked.

"Okay..." You tried to summon another energy ball thing actually had no idea how to do it. After some time of trying, you just chuckled nervously and looked up at him. "Honestly, I have no idea how I did that."

Gaster was about to reply when Flowey cut him off.

"I do." He made another figure of Sans out of the white pellets with a taunting smile. You started to feel the anger bubble within you again, which fueled the power in your eye to flare bigger.  ""

You blasted at the figure, which shattered into plenty of white pellets. Now, three more pale (f/c) orbs floated around you, excited to be flung at any target.

"You better stop talking crap." You growled at the flower as Gaster stepped in between you both. He seemed unbothered by the 'Sans' subject.

"Calm down, (y/n). We can't have you destroy the lab...not yet anyways." He grumbled as you felt yourself slowly calm down.

"Why is Flowey even here?" You asked as you felt your eye flicker out. "Shouldn't he be fighting Chara?"


"Chara is after your soul. So I'm just here to make sure you don't die. Cause you're a fricken idiot."

"Right. Right." You muttered as Gaster quickly recorded some notes.

" should be waking up pretty soon...I guess we can talk tomorrow night." Gaster mumbled as he glared at Flowey. "Without you."

"What? Why?" Flowey glanced up at him in disbelief.

"There's some matters that need to be discussed between the both of us. You have to deal with Chara anyways." Gaster told him and turned back to you with a soft expression. "Be safe, (y/n). I will see you tomorrow."

"(Y/n)." You heard Sans mutter your name as he lightly shook you awake.

"Huh?" You woke up pressed against the back of the couch with Sans sitting at the edge and looking down at you. He wasn't wearing his jacket but.... Oh my god. What the heck. I'm not mentally prepared for this. Crap.

"Hey, kiddo." He chuckled and smiled at you, causing your cheeks to flare. He was cute!

"Oh!" You sat up and stripped the blanket from your body, finding yourself in a white tank top and loose sweats. "God, what time is it?"

"Heh. It's 10:43 and everyone is coming over at 12:30."

"Oh crud. " You jumped off the couch and rushed to your suitcase full of clothing. Sans chuckled at your sudden action, causing your cheeks to redden.

"You get a good nights sleep?" He asked as you chose an outfit and closed the suitcase. You turned to him with a smile.

"Yeah, actually." You suddenly felt your face droop a bit. Should I tell him about Gaster? Or Flowey? Or even Chara? I's not exactly that it?

"Eh...something wrong, kid?" His voiced seemed concerned at your expression change. You blinked yourself to reality, shook your head, and quickly skipped your way upstairs.

"Nah. Just zoned out a bit." You closed yourself in the bathroom and locked the door. "God...come on, (y/n)."

You scolded yourself out loud, unsure of what to feel. You could trust him...right?

Shaking you're head, you pushed away the thought.

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