Chapter Nineteen

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This wasn't anger or rage that you felt as you gently laid Sans on the ground. It was much worse. It scorched your heart and burned at your stomach. Slowly, you walked towards the two assholes, taking your careful, sweet time to feel the growing hatred bubble within you. They started to laugh, trying to mock you and make you feel even less but, they needed way more than that to get you to your knees. You weren't going to bow down to them after what they've done. You were mad...maybe even, at the edge of insanity.

"Now..." You growled, this time it was no mercy. You had your head full of nothing but pure madness. "Let me tell you. No one...and I mean NO ONE...does that to my fucking skeleton."

They began to laugh again but you decided, let's not take anymore of their shit. Your flaring eye was now huge with undying energy. With the flick of your finger, your aura took grasp of both of their shirts and started to drag them forcefully along the floor. You chucked them into trash cans and garbage dumps. You forced them into the wall and blasted your
(f/c) orbs at them.

It wasn't long until they begged for your mercy, but you were long from over.

You took a swing at one of the guys and he flew across the entire alley, now lost in the bitter darkness. The other one tried to trip you, only to be kicked in the groin. You gripped the collar of his shirt and flung him to his partner.

Biting your lip, you decided that they have had enough. Even though your rage still wanted to be satisfied, you allowed the guilt and dread to cool your feisty insanity. Taking a deep breathe, you turned around and made your way to the limp bodies of Sans and Frisk. You didn't know what to feel. Because of you, they were like this.

Sluggish, you checked for a pulse on Frisk. She had one, which relieved you. Sans...your heart was screaming at you for your stupidity. Why didn't I just take the shot? None of this would've happened...

"I'm so sorry, Sans." You found yourself murmur and wipe the blood from his cheek. Was he dead? didn't know. You sat yourself in between the two couldn't take them home, carrying them both just isn't possible.

"Mmmh." Frisk started to breath heavily and her body began to stir. "(Y/n)?" She sat up cautiously, finding that she was okay.

"Oh my god, Frisk." You hugged her and then let go immediately. She noticed your worry and worked her way around you to see Sans.

"Wha- what happened to Dunkle Sans?" Frisked stuttered. Her tiny hands were tracing his wounds, her innocence was beginning to overwhelm you.

"I-I can't explain-'s a long story, Frisk." You choked through fresh tears. Crawling over to his face, you lifted him up so that you held him close to you. Carefully, you made sure to cradle his limp body... "I-I don't know if he's alive...."

You started to burst into tears, knowing that if he was dead, it would be your fault. There was no one to blame but yourself.

"(Y/n)...can I call Toriel?" Frisk asked. You nodded. Idiocy started to flood within you. How did you not think of that?

Pulling out her phone, you handed it to her; she started to rapidly dial down the digits. Toriel responded immediately...she sounded overjoyed to hear that Frisk was okay. You brought yourself to zone out of that conversation as you stared down at Sans' blank face. Again...Heartbreak...
that's all you could feel. Your heart was broken... All the hope you felt, was now gone. More tears streamed down your face as you chocked over your sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Sans." You whispered into his skull. How smooth it just made more tears trickle out. "I'm so sorry...this shouldn't have happened."

Your tears began to fall into his skull, tracing the details among his face. His eye sockets were now completely simple, white orbs to reassure you or anyone.

"Y-you know..." You continued on your mindless rant. "I regret...not telling you t-that I love you..." You just broke into more tears when you said that. Nothing was to stop you now, you were going to loose it. "Y-yeah...funny huh?"

You chuckled nervously through your broken tears as the distant sound of cars came in our direction. Headlights streamed into the alley that the three of you were stuck in.

Frisk just looked at you, knowing that you weren't to be bothered. There were familiar voices just outside the alley. The sound of running footsteps came towards you. Toriel and another goat, you assumed was Asgore, had rushed into the alley, tightly hugging Frisk. The larger goat took notice of you and broke away from the other two. He slowly made his way towards you.

"Oh, human. Come." He had a gentle voice. You made an effort to look up at him; your vision was blurry from all the tears. "I can take him to the house. We need to get you two home."

He smiled a gentle smile as you nodded weakly. He took the skeleton from your arms and started his way gently to the cars. Now, Undyne and Papyrus came rushing in, equipped with blue spears.

"What happened!?" Undyne asked you as you started to cry again. You just shook your head and slowly made your way past her. Nothing was fitting together anymore.


"(Y/n)?" Toriel had an expression of concern plastered onto her face. It would have make you felt worse if you had ignored her, so you responded.

"Y-yeah?" You asked, now slumping into the loose couch at Sans' house. It was about 9pm and everyone was either pacing the floor, still checking on Frisk, or waiting for any news of Sans.

"Would you like some tea? Asgore would be more than happy to make you a cup." Toriel said softly; her eyes soft.

"Yeah...can he do that?"

"Of course."

"Thank you, Toriel." You thanked as she nodded with a small smile. She left into the kitchen as you pulled your knees closer to your chest. Everything isn't making sense...too much shit in such a small time period...

Looking around for the dozenth time, you saw Undyne pacing the floor in front of Sans' room, waiting for Alphys who was looking over Sans. Frisk was with Mettaton getting her wounds checked. Papyrus had locked himself into his room, but everyone could hear his loud cries of stress. You already told everyone what happened and how you found Frisk. You just didn't tell them about your 'defect' an alternate story, you said that Sans had blocked the attack and the two men left. Not a convincing story, but enough.

"How is he?" Undyne's concerned voice broke your thoughts as you saw the short yellow monster walk out of Sans' room. You stood up immediately and made your way up the stairs.


"Is he alive?" You asked as you approached the two monsters. The suspense was killing you.

"He's okay."

"Oh my god." You let out in relief as tears started to drown your vision.

"He's just very weak...and awake." Alphys muttered, causing your attention to immediately focus on his door.

"He should be asleep!" Upon instinct, you started towards his door, only to feel someone take hold of your arm.

"He...he wanted to see you." Alphys said you softly. "I-I don't know why."

You froze. Why would he want to see me?

With a slightly confused nod, you made your way into his room. You noticed how messy and unorganized it was but that was least of your concern.

"Sans?" You murmured as you approached him. He was wearing a loose white shirt and had the blanket around his waist. His head p
tilted towards you; his expression weak.

"Hey, kid." He muttered through his normal smile. It hurt you to see him so...normal. After what you've done, it just didn't make sense.

"How you feeling?"

"Alright...just won't be able to work for a couple days." He mumbled with a chuckle. After a bit, he turned to make eye contact with you; his eyes were serious. "We need to talk."

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