Chapter Twenty Six

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Eventually, the RV skidded into Alphy's lab, which was immediately locked shut and placed under heavy survillance. Everyone, except Papyrus, was still a little on end about the whole 'human raid' thing. He was the same and oblivious as ever. Yet somehow, considering that he had escaped with Sans, was in perfectly good shape.

"WOWIE, (y/n)! YOU ARE QUITE POPULAR WITH ALL THE HUMANS. YOU NEED TO TEACH ME HOW TO GET THAT POPULAR." He said and sat himself inside the lounge room. 

"Darling, I'm sure you have all the popularity you need." Mettaton muttered and sat next to Papyrus. You found yourself on the floor, leaning against the foot of a nearby couch. Your right shoulder flared continuously, causing you to wince from the pain. You heard Alphys and Gaster walked in, discussing some current event. Your hearing couldn't make out anything they said, but that was the least of your worries. If anything, Sans was still top priority. 

"My child?" Toriel's gentle voice barely touched your ears.


"Would you like to go to the infirmary? Undyne is taking Sans there now and Asgore needs some patching up. It looks like you need a change of bandage...we would hate to have you more injured than you already are."

"Yeah. That would be great actually." You said and stood up slowly, careful to not make your shoulder burn more than it needed. Of course pain was still swirling around your system, but it was starting to numb out a bit. You weren't too sure if that was good or not. 

Toriel nodded and started to lead you to the infirmary, picking up Asgore as you two went. Until now, you hadn't realized that Asgore was actually in really bad shape. He limped along through the silent hall; seemed as if one of his legs were broken.

It wasn't long until the three of you made it into the infirmary, finding Undyne and a sleeping Sans. She was wounded too, but she took the pain better than Asgore and yourself.

"Those humans." She growled and stretched out her arm. "I would've killed them all if they were in the Underground."

"Don't you think that's a little too brutal?" Toriel asked with a tone of disgust and started to wrap up Asgore. Undyne bit her lip and shut her mouth. Seems like she knows better than to mess with her.

You found yourself next to Sans, who was sleeping on one of the infirmary beds. He seemed to be alright, just extremely tired, which was odd considering that he never seemed tired when he teleported with you. He probably did more than just teleport.

"Is everyone okay?" Frisk's timid voice broke through the rough atmosphere as she walked in. Her face was fixed with shock, which you raised an eyebrow at. In her arms was Flowey, who was still in the flower pot. Everyone in the room nodded to her in response.

"Well, good. Because Alphys just found something that may seem a little unrealistic." Flowey grumbled and turned to you. "You better wake up the comedian. I don't want to bother repeating all of this."

"Uh- okay." You turned to the skeleton and nudged his arm. He stirred a bit, sneezed, and fell back to sleep. You stumbled a bit, feeling his little self start to get to you. The nerves in your heart began to fly, now adding on to the pain in your shoulder.

"Seriously?" Flowey growled and spawned a white pellet over near Sans' head. With a quick zip, the pellet jammed into his skull, causing his eyes to flicker open. You yelped in surprise and fell back onto the bed.

"Okay, good. Everyone awake?" The flower muttered. Sans yawned and rubbed his eyes sleepily and full of annoyance.

"Good as ever." He spat and sat up, glaring at Flowey. "What's happening?"

"A lot. You all know how the debate from yesterday started to alter the government's desicion about monsters living on the surface right?"

"Yeah...?" You nodded with a curious glance, pushing him to keep going.

"Well, just earlier today, one of the government senators announced that they were to pass a law that would grant and protect the monsters' proper rights, which would be equal to the humans, next week."

"That sounds great! What's wrong?" Asgore asked as he adjusted his huge figure so he could see the flower.

"Let me get on with it." Flowey snapped, causing Undyne to growl right back at him.

"Then get on with it." She muttered impatiently. Flowey shot her a harsh glance and continued his news.

"Well, just minutes after this annoucement, humans started to riot all over the country. They started to raid monster-based stores and homes. Eventually, the trend reached here...and the humans here decided to come together and attack those who stand for the monsters. And who better to start with than the lead debators....or even better, the one person who was able to stir the entire government to pass that law?" The flower looked at you, causing the monsters to gasp.

"What are you saying?" Sans asked, his voice hard.

"To be blunt, I'm saying that (y/n) started a war. But not just any regular war...she started the war between humans and monsters." He paused and glanced around at the horrific stares upon him. "Again."

A/N: Hey, guys! I'm sorry that this part is short, but I'm curently on vacation right now....awkward. But I'm trying to get some parts in so I could start the 2000 word parts again this coming Monday :)
But as all of you can see, this story is far from over. Love all of you! <3

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