Chapter One: Everyone's Story Begins With 'Once Upon A Time'

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"It's not an age of spies anymore. Not even an age of heroes. This is the age of miracles, Doctor, and there is nothing more horrifying than a miracle."

- Barron Von Strucker

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Video is the Avengers: Infinity War trailer (Which is basically the trailer for this book to a T so go watch!)

Picture is David Mazouz as Steven Dmirtri Maximoff.

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Recommendation: "Marvel Imagines" by MaddieW_LiS.

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"Everyone's story begins 'once upon a time' - it's up to us to cherish the time we're given to ensure we live happily ever after."

- Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch

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{Five Days Prior}

Once, we were all heroes, and even though everything has changed since then, the problem with a mask is that eventually you can't take it off. No matter how far you hope to get away from your old life, the one where you save people and hunt bad guys, it will always come back to bite you.


I always knew that someone from Pietro and my past would come looking for us. Whether it be the Avengers, the X-Men, S.H.I.E.L.D., or HYDRA, I couldn't tell. But when you are a superhero for years and then suddenly you perish in a battle, there are people who don't buy the story. There are those who will dig deeper and find the new identities of those heroes, their new lives, where they live and what they're doing five years later.

It's been five, glorious years in Sokovia, and I couldn't be happier. The Maximoff family is doing better than I expected, and Sokovia is a growing nation once again. We all have jobs, families, friends, even people who admire us. If anyone ever suspected that we weren't who we said we were, that we were part of the Avengers, they no longer care. We were fortunate that they respected our privacy enough to not ask questions.

I love my life here in Eastern Europe. I help people on a daily basis without punching people or blowing things up. It's a great change for once. All of the Maximoffs have adapted to ordinary, civilian life.

Well, almost.

Some of us still do things on the side. Pietro, I'm looking at you. He just can't stop himself, and I can't say I blame him. Besides being a officer of the law during the day, there are quite a few nights I've found him either sneaking in or sneaking out to do God knows what. When I confronted him about it, he confessed that he had been sneaking out to do some vigilante work.

Let's just say that ever since he started being sneaky around the criminals that have crept up in the cracks of Sokovia, crime has dropped nearly in half. He's careful, he's anonymous, and he does a lot of good, so why not? Besides, he's a Maximoff. He pushes the limits of what he should do anyways.

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